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"Hello..." Jonah says

"Hello this is Brayden"

"oh my god Brayden are you okay?"

"I'm fine dad I just got really ticked off and decided that you guys didn't want me so I ran away"

"Oh. Brayden we will always want you and don't ever think that we wouldn't."

"I know I'm sorry dad"

"Its ok sweety just please come back home?"

"Ok I'm on my way"

"Love you bye"

"Love you too bye"

Call end.

"Hey thanks for letting me use you phone Logey" I say.

"No probs well imma give you a ride back. " he says.

"Ok" I say. We get in the yeti and go home it was a silent ride well haha that would never happen with Logan it was a very loud right I mean. We get to the house and everybody is just sitting there.

"Uh... hey guys." I say as I walk in.

"Brayden please don't do that again we love you so so so much." Dad says.

"Well It's just that I finally found a friend and then you get all ticked off at us for being friends." I say looking down.

"Oh my... Brayden o just thought that... and I shouldn't have... I... I'm sorry." Dad says.

"Its fine dad." I tell him.

"Here let me get your electronics in so so so sorry Brayden really." He says.

"Okay" I reply. He goes and get my electronics and comes back with all of them.

"Thanks dad" I say.

"Any time kiddo" he replies.

"Yawn I'm really tired I'm going to go to bed okay dad love you goodnight." I say.

"Love you too" he says.

I get on my phone and there is so many notifications. But only one that I really cared about right now.and that was Carter's.

Carter: Hey beautiful

Me: hey carter watcha doin

Carter: nothing what about you

Me: nothing hey do you wanna hang out tomorrow

Carter: sure if you want to

Me: k sweet tomorrow at the park?

Carter; k sweet see you then ♡ you bye

Me:♡ you too bye

Oh. My. God. He said he loves me and he called me beautiful. I better get to sleep.

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