I get out of the house and start playing my music. (I have headphones btw) I start to go to the park and when I get there I see a really really cute guy jeesh I hope my hair and my outfit are okay. Oh god he is walking over here!!
! What do I do I'm freaking out.I start to take my headphones out.
"Hey I can't help but notice that you look lost" he says. (She doesn't even look lost a little bit XD)
"Ummm yeah I am actually new to this area" I say with a smile.
"Oh my name is Carter by the way." he smiles.this is what he looks like if anyone was wondering.
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"Oh I'm Brayden" I say.
"That's a really nice name." He compliments.
"Oh haha I like yours too." I say so awkwardly you wouldn't believe.
We talk for a while and give each other our phone numbers. We hug and say bye... but it turns out that we hugged at the wrong moment...
"Brayden Marias get your but in this car right this instant." I know that voice...
"Hey dad what's good?" I say knowing I'm In Deep Shit right now.
"I thought I told you to go on a walk not meet boys!" He says obviously pissed off.
"Oh my god dad chill out ok we are just friends and we were just saying bye. God chill the hell out." I am going to be in so much fucking trouble.
"Watch your language Brayden, ok you know what? We are going to go home and you are going to give me your phone, tablet, computer and any other electronics."
"What the fu- heck u was just talking to a fucking friend."
"Watch your language miss. I am your father and you will not talk back to me ok?" I roll my eyes. "Don't toll your eyes at me."