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"Hey Logan wassup?" Jack says as they walk in the door.

"Shh Brayden is asleep" I whisper yell.

"Ok sweet. Did she eat anything?" Jonah asks.

"No she said she wasn't hungry." I tell them.

"Shit she hasn't ate anything since lunch" Jonah says.

"Anyway how was recording?" I ask them.

"Pretty good" Corbyn says.

"You should get going Logan... we can take it from here" Zach says.

"Ok see you guys later" I say as I start to get up.

"Wait Logan can you take me to my room" Brayden says.

I look at the guys and they all nod their heads. "Yeah come on up Brayden." I say as I give her a piggy back ride.

I lift her up and take her to her bed.

"Bye Brayden" I say.

"Bye Logey" she says.

"Alright bye boys" I tell the boys.

"Bye Logan"

"See ya buddy"

"Have a good night


"G'night Logan."

I get out to the yeti and go home, get ready for bed and fall asleep.

Jonah p.o.v.

"Hey guys lets go look at Brayden's room" I say.

"Alright lets go" Daniel says.

We go and look at her room "wow" we all say.

"We should get to bed we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." I say.

"Yeah lets go." Jack says.

We all get read for bed and go to bed.

Brayden's p.o.v.

I wake up from a nightmare and go out to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I look out for the window only to find...

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