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"Ok lets do the makeover then" i say running to my room and Grabbing my makeup bag and rinning downstairs. Just as I sit down das looks up from his phone.

"Do you guys want to ho camping?" He asks.

"Uh.. Sure... When are we going?" I ask looking surprised because I had never been campong before.

"How bout today, brayden go and invite kira and logan, please." Dad says looking my direction.

I roll my eyes. "Ugh fine" I say getting up and grabbing my phone from my room and calling logan.

"Hey logan do you and lira want to go camping with us we are leaving today just meet us at our house in like five hours." I say

"Sure let me ask kira ... I mean tell kitra, bye bray" he says.

"Bye loggy" i say and hang up. Then I get changed because I didnt like my outfit to much. I changed into white high wasted shorts and a baseball T-shirt and a dad hat with white nike shoes

 I changed into white high wasted shorts and a baseball T-shirt and a dad hat with white nike shoes

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I walk down stairs and hug Daniel while hr is staring at his phone.

"Hey babe" I tell him.

"Hey bray" he says hugging back.

"Go get ready for camping" jack tells us.

"Right" zach says.

"Gosh have the whole family in here why don't we" i say

"WHY DON'T WE" we all say right as kira and logan walk in the door.

"What the heck are you doing bray and boys" kira says walking over to me and hugging me.

Time skip to camping cause im lazy asf

"Can we start the fire Jonah?" Kira asks my dad.

"sure here you go" he says and hands us the lighter.

After we got the fire started and going good we went on a walk.

"Do you think zach really wants to date me? I mean what if it was a dare and what if he doesn't love me?" Kira asks worried.

"kira he loves you he told me he would be bothing without you okay?" And I lied straight to my best friends face. I'm sure he loves her its just her never said that. she smiles. I put on a fake smile

Hey guys its kimber I am so sorry I have not been updating I have been busy with cheer and softball and stuff but hey I promosed you guys 9 chapters today so this number one and brayden (yes he is a real life person) he is fall in for annika (also real life person idk if I mentioned her in the book) but brayden is being a butthead and his dad is my summer band teacher and every time I see brayden I glare at him. But today was different I was sad today so he saw the sad in my eyes me seemed even more sad.. He deserves it. Bye limelights

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