We get home from the airport and i go to my room to unpack. I get everything unpacked and change into this.
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TThen I go downstairs.
"Hey babe do you want to go on a walk i haven't seen you in a long time" Daniel says as he wraps his arms around me.
" sure let me go put makeup on and grab my purse be right back danibug" i say and turn around and kiss his cheek.
"ugh baaaaaabe you don't need makeup and im going to pay if we go anywere" he says. i run upstairs anyway. i lock my door behind me so he doesn't carry me away.
30 minutes later
"ready yet" daniel says as i walk down the stairs.
"haha yeah lets go" I say and we walk out of the door. we walk for about 10 minutes and we are at a place that i dont recognize. daniel blindfolded me so i could not see where i was. he takes the blindfold off and i see this...
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"Oh my god dani thsnk you so much... Where are we?" I ask turning around and hugging him.
"Your welcome babe but we are at the csndy palace let's go inside" he says putting his arm on my shoulder.
"Ooh take a picture for Instagram!" I say.
"K" he says. I hand him my phone.
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Braydenmarias : im walkong on sunshine☀☀☀
Jonahmarias: dang daughter
Imzachherron: best friend
Seaveydaniel: hottie
User 372: daaaaaaaaaaaamm
Me and daniel walk around the candy palace for the rest of the day and when we get home we see...
What up limelights.... Sorry i haven't been posting i have had cheer and track and softvall and a haircut and my best friends brother just killed himself.... I will be updating more over the next week bye limelights