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I get on the plane to go home and the plane lands... I don't know where I am...
I call my dad as fast as I can

"Hello?"he says.

"Hey umm dad... I am kinda lost. I must have gotten on the wrong flight and I have no clue where I am..." I say starting to cry.

"Ok sweetie... don't get stressed about it. Just be calm" dad says. I take a few deep breaths. And Mute the phone by putting it on my shirt so dad can't hear me.

"Excuse me... so you know where we are?" I ask a random person... the person turns around.

"Yeah... actually we are in Idaho right now."(a.n. Haha I couldn't think of one so I asked my brother for a random state... XD)

"Thanks" I say and go back to the phone.

"I got to go dad... I am in Idaho right now..." I say.

"Ok sweetie just be careful and all the boys say hi and they miss, and love you so so much" he says and I hang up .

I grab my bags and head for a hotel. I am in a kinda big town it is called Idaho Falls... then I realize... when I was in the orphanage k had an internet best friend... my internet best friend lives in Idaho Falls! But I'm just gonna stay in a hotel. I get outside and it is cold as hell.... well... I mean not cold as hell but... you know what I mean. I start to walk around and go to a mall. I'm so getting a coat. This is the coat I get.

I go to get a hotel and when I get there I see

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I go to get a hotel and when I get there I see...

Hey guys, its kimber... so so sorry I haven't been updating I have been busy with softball, track. And school but.... I will be staying up to update... so real quick story.

I was at my school dance... my crush asked me to dance and I said yes... obviously. And it was so magical. And he said that he thought my eyes were very pretty... I never told my friends because they would never care...  but. It was magical because my ex didn't ask me to dance like he always does.

Ok that was a long story... love you limelights.♡♡♡ I will update later today.♡★♡★

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