A.n. thats asian Jesus (not to be racist) and is it OK if there are choices Example: you get up and change into a black hoodie and skinny jeans/ a crop top with leggings
Brays p.o.v. Beep
I open my eyes and realize its my alarm. I lay in bed for a minute and then wiggle around (you guys know, like idk). i then get up after having a small temper tantrum and get dressed into
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And brush my teeth and hair, put on a small amount of makeup and go downstairs to see, again a shirtless daniel seavey cooking breakfast. I sit down at the table and look at my phone 6:13 a.m. ugh i still have like 2 hours.
"Good morning sugar bear" daniel says giving me a toothy smile.
"Ugh morning gummy worm" i say wrapping a blanket around me.
"Its to early for this omg" Corbyn says as he walks into the kitchen.
"I know right" Dad follows him.
"I just... Wanna sleep ya know?" Zach says while crashing into a seat at the kitchen
"What is wrong with you guys? Im perfectly fine" jack says walking into the kitchen with a huge grin on his face.
"SHUT UP JACK" everyone says in unison. (I just dued of laughter thinking of what this would be like... I can imagine it 😂😂😂)
"Ouch it feels good to be 'loved'" he says doing air quotes.
"Yeah sure, hey danisaur whens breakfast gonna be done" I say doing the leg tap.
"I dunno you should have gotten uo and made it yourself I'm not a mom do I look like a mom?" He says sarcasticly.
"Well if you put a bra on and like stuffed it like bray does you could be" Zach says
"WHAT THE- I do not stuff my bra why would i". i say rolling my eyes playfully.
"Sure you don't" jack says.
"Im not a mom I'm to manly for that stuff" daniel says still worried about his problems.
Timeskip to school cause im lazy AF 😂
I get off the bus and walk into the school, go to my locker and put my stuff in it. Then go to my favorite room in the school... The auditorium! No one is ever in there. I started to walk into the auditorium and when I got to reach for the doornob my hand gets smacked off my a teacher. I look up and see, the vice principal Mrs. Honks SORRY I mean Stronks
"Cute pants but do you think those are really appropriate to wear to school?" she says. I roll my eyes.
"Yeah they are cute and i really do think that they are appropriate for school. I am not disturbing anyone you can't see anything and if anything don't teach the boys to look at my thighs and ass" I say as i walk off.
"Do not talk to a teacher like that Ms. Marails" she says running up and grabbing my arm.
"DONT TOUCH ME BITCH" I yell. She drags me to the principals office and if theres one thing ive learned its to not say anything if you are in trouble.
"So ms. Marais what started this entire thing?" My principal questions. I keep my mouth shut
It. goes on like that for about 15 more minutes and then they call... You guessed it my padre. I'm not scared. Hes not gonna answer becsuse he like... He Never does anyway.
"Alright that's it I'm school suspention for a week" my principal says
I stand up "you cant do that you have to run it through the school board first dumbass" i roll my eyes.