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"yay! then... double date?" kira says. Daniel walks in right as she says that.

"what are yo guys talking about?" Daniel asks very blankly.

"oh my god Seavey. you are so freaking clueless!... O GOT IT DADS GIRLFRIEND CAN COME TOO!!!" i say excitedly

"and gabbie?" Jack asks.

"1. she is in l.a. and 2. she hates my guts Jack!." i say.

"well 1. she can fly here and 2 can you guys at least pretend you dont hate each other... for one night... pleeeeeaaaase brayden." he begs while tugging on my arm.

"ugh fine i guess but if gabbie is going the so is the queen herself." i say.

"YASSSS fam the queen has to come!!!" kira says.

"who the hell are you guys talking about anyway?" Jack and Zach ask at the same time.

"UDUH CHRISTINA FREAKING MARIE!!" i yell at them in a "duh" tone of voice.

"alright fine but the date will be in 3 days because we have to leave in 5 days" daniel says.

3 days later

"i don't know Kira how do I look?" i ask kira while turning to her. (you choose what gabbie and christina and kira and brayden and elaina are wearing)

 (you choose what gabbie and christina and kira and brayden and elaina are wearing)

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"you look great bray but... what about me?" kira asks.

"you look amazing" i say. then gabbie and christina and elaina walk in.

"you guys look... wow" i say.

"thanks and you look... good to i guess." gabbie says to me looking me up and down.

kira and my make up

christina and my hair

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christina and my hair.

elaina and gabbie and christinas makeup

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elaina and gabbie and christinas makeup

kira and gabbie and elaina hair (case im to lazy o put them in different pictures

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kira and gabbie and elaina hair (case im to lazy o put them in different pictures.)

"alright ladies ready to go?" christina says getting on her uber app

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"alright ladies ready to go?" christina says getting on her uber app. becasue they are going to meet us there.

"i guess" we all say. we get at the resturaunt and see them all standing in the doorway looking at their phones.

 we get at the resturaunt and see them all standing in the doorway looking at their phones

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"wow" all the boys say as we walk up to them. we walk in the resturaunt and order our food. i get steak and everyone else got... wait i don't really care what everyone else got i was to busy waiting for my food... yum

its kimberrrrrrr anyway sorry for all of the pictures. it took me forever to find all of those. guys i remembered the contest thing!!! the first 5 to comment on my question of the day gets a follow!!! anyway

QOTD: what is your favorite place to go out and eat at.

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