The two wipe their eyes from water and look strait at me.
" OH MY GOD... BRAYDEN!!!!!!!" Kira says. I glare at her. I grab my stuff from my chair and run (don't rub at the pool kids... why you may ask... because this.) as I am running I slip and i hear a pop. I start to cry and hold my ankle.
"Oh my god Brayden are you okay. Let me help you up" lot a says jumping out of the pool.
"Don't help me. And does it look like I'm okay? Also does it look like I want to get up?" I ask her glaring. Her face fades and flares at me. Shetland her stuff from her chair while I am wincing I'm pain. Biting my lip trying not to cry. Zach gets out of the pool to get his stuff too. They walk right past me and Kira says.
"Fucking bitchy was slut" She says whole smirking and glaring st the same time. Zach just hurries to catch up with her. Once they leave I start to cry. With us being the only two in the pool i am now alone. I try to pick myself up and I fail. I start to crawl (not in a sexual way) to my stuff. I get my phone and card key and when o do Zach runs in and helps me up.
"Why are you here?" I ask.
"Kira is in the shower and she told me not to come back... come here let me help you" Zach says with his arms out.
We make it to my room and when we get to my room door he says."Haha your room is right next to ours"
"Really?" I say.
"Yeah... I got to go but umm I'm go I f to go get some ice o will be right back" he says when I get on my bed. I didn't go in the pool so I wasn't wet. But I still try to change my clothes. I change into a why don't we hoodie that o stole from Daniel and some sweats.
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Dang it is taking Zach forever to get that ice my ankle hurts like hell. Then suddenly the door opens.
"ZACH hurry up my freaking leg hurts like hell" I say. No one answers.