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"ok... sorry mom" Corbyn says throwing my shoe back at me.

"MY NAME IS HAMBILLY HAMFISH AND I CAME TO WRECK THINGS UP" Zack says and slaps my phone out of my hand.

"what are you doing" i say.

"i dont know" he says and runs off.

"i pick up my phone and sit on one of the bunk beds... the one that is mine I mean. 5 minutes later I get sto phone call.

Ring ring

Ring ri-

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey best friend" Kira replies.

"Hey what do you want" I say.

"In going to live with you guys for a while." Kira says very happily

"Umm we are in tour right now" i say nervously.

"Oh well I'm st your house right now" Kira says.

"Oh wow... umm one sec i will call you back okay?" I say and hang up.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaad" I say getting up and going over to my father.

"Brayyyyyyyyyydennnn" he replies.

"Umm can I get a plane ticket to go home... you wanted us to go to school don't you?" I say.

"Yeah... ok fine but... ugh... fine just I will get one right now." He says.

1 day later

I get my stuff on the plane luggage thingy and go wait for the plane.

"Hey beautiful" someone replies.

"I don't know you go away" I reply getting up and walking away... not even looking at his face.

"Flight 282 is now boarding" the attendant says over an intercom. I get in the plane and fall asleep. I wake up and we are almost there. I sit there for the rest of the ride looking out the window until we get to the air port.

She. I get off the plane I see Kira. I get my stuff and start running towards her. (You know the thing where they fall on the floor while hugging... yeah... its that)

"Kira I missed you so so much"I say getting up off of the floor.

"I missed you to... now lets go I just got an uber" she says getting up. We go outside and wait for the uber. Once it comes we get in and go home.

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