Control Freak

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Sawyer's POV

"What the fuck did you do to her?"  Aiden has been in my room yelling at me for the past twenty minutes.

"I already told you. It's none of your fucking business." And to think I was having this same conversation with Summer yesterday. I really need to control my need to know everything. I fucked up. I know that, but I don't need Aiden yelling at me for it.

"How do you even know her?" I've been wondering this ever since he started bitching at me.

"Meet her at a party. Sam introduced me to her." My temper flares. Aiden doesn't just meet girls at parties.

"Calm down dick head. She wouldn't even kiss me. We chilled and smoked." The fact that he even tried to kiss her pisses me off, but I let it slide. I need to start controlling my temper. I'm not normally a violent person.

"So she's just a friend?" I feel the need to clarify even though I know Aiden would never screw me over like that.

"Just friends. Kinda like Sam." It better not be like his relationship with Sam. There is so much sexual tension when those two are together, it's ridiculous. One day they're just going to spontaneously combust, I sincerely hope I'm not there to witness it. 

"Sam is perfect for you."I point out. 

"Summer is perfect for you and you've already fucked it up." He deflects my comment and throws an insult at me. 

As much as I hate to admit it Aiden is right I need to fix this and I need to fix it now.

"I'm going." I tell Aiden.

"Tell Summer I say hi." 

"You better not be in my room when I get back."

I'm glad I left the room when I did. I see Summer pacing the hall.

"Hi. I'm Batman." I whisper in her ear hoping for a smile. I get the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard.

"Nice line." She says as she's turning to face me. Her expression immediately changes. I;m guessing I have a pretty good batman voice since she doesn't seem to know who it is yet. 

"Oh umm Sawyer. Hi. Are you? I mean.. What are you.. I uhhh" She's really adorable when she's nervous. 

"Are you ok?" I ask slightly amused. 

"Yeah I'm fine." She says while avoiding my eyes. I have no idea what's going on with her but we need to talk.

"Come on." I turn to the direction of my room, without seeing if she will follow. I probably seem like a dick. Nice one Sawyer. 

I hear her footsteps behind me so I haven't fucked up yet. 

I open the door and see Aiden sprawled across my bed.

"Out. Now." He looks like he's about to say no but then he sees Summer and says "Remember guys safe sex is great sex."

"We're not having sex Aiden." 

"Sure you're not." He says as he closes the door and leaves. 

Summer's POV

"Soo this is awkward." I say after what seems like two hours of us just standing in his room. I know I need to tell him about the Jaylen thing. "It doesn't have to be." Oh if only he knew it really does. I'm not sure how to go about this conversation so I do what I always do when I'm under pressure and blurt it out.

"I slept with Jaylen." 

He takes a step back, and I brace myself, ready for anything. 

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