Six : Crowd & Me? A Big NO-NO!

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Elizabeth's POV

"EEK!!! What is this? Take it away from me. Please! Elly!" Kayden shrieks. While I'm laughing so hard that my stomach hurts.

"OKAY! Scaredy cat. Here." I pick up the spider and show it to him. "Look, it's harmless. See?" I push it more in his face.

"NOOO!!!!" he steps back "It can bite you! Throw it! THROW IT!!!" he starts panicking. AWW...He's so cute. I mean how is he so scared? We are grown ups now. We are 5 years now. He is acting like a 2 year old.

But anyways, I shrug and throw the spider behind my back.

"EEK! What is this?" My mother shouts. Looks like it landed on her face.

We both look behind my back"UH OH..."


Elizabeth's POV

"So," Matthew claps his hand "Who's up for Truth and Dare?"

There are many whoops. But... I have never liked truth and dare. But I guess I'll just play for now.

We all sit in a circle. Me, a girl, Kaira, some more people, Matthew (just opposite to me), some more people, then back to me.

"Okay! Let's start." He rotates the bottle and it lands on a girl from our school, whose name is I think is Juliana, but everyone just calls her Juli. She gets up. The girl opposite to her was about to say something, when there is a loud bang outside the main door. We all turn to look in that direction.

"Whoops" Matthew shrugs "Looks like Truth and Dare will have to wait."


He opens the door and a-hell-lot people rush inside. Like seriously, it looks like our whole school is here. And some people whom I've never seen.

And here I thought that this party was going to be peaceful.

It didn't take much time for whole room to fill with people.

"Ooh! He's pretty popular! So my type!" Kaira fans herself.

I just nod.

"Hey!" she waves to somewhere and I turn to see some of the cheerleaders dancing. I know what's coming.

Kaira waves again and starts walking towards them. I'm alone. Again. Never mind. I shrug to myself.

I'm suddenly feeling thirsty. I wonder where the kitchen is?

I start walking, not knowing where I am supposed to go. Maybe this is the kitchen? I pull the door to see... A store room?

I close the door and continue walking. I know, I could've just asked someone, but I don't have anything else to do so why not just find the kitchen and get some water and get the hell out of this place?

I come across another door. It is quite big. I push it open to see that I'm in the backside of the house. Ooh! They have a pool too!

I start walking towards the pool. The lights around are dimly lit. It's really peaceful around here. I like it!

I sit down on the edge of the pool, dipping my feet in the water. And no, I don't care if my dress is getting a bit wet. Or my shoes are entirely in water.

I don't care that seeing the water brings back so many memories. Such painful memories.

I stopped caring about every small thing ever since...

Since the day K-

"Hey! What are you doing here alone?"

I turn to look at the source of voice and see Matthew standing there.

How is he able to find me when I need someone the most?

"A-are you c-crying?"


So... I have an announcement, instead of a fact.

I've decided that their will be two or three books of this series.

1: Besties Never Lie: Their Present
2: Besties Never Lie 2: Their Past
3: Besties Never Lie 3: Their Future

After 1 and 2 if I still feel motivated, then I'll write book 3. And the titles are also not fixed, they can be changed, so if you have any ideas for the title, do comment here or msg me.

And next update might take time. And I'll try to update on 22nd February.

Why 22nd February?


Wait for it...


So... Vote...




Ma awesome readers!
Xx_TheRainbowGirl_xX aka Diya ❤

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