This chapter will be in Matthew's POV because I think the chapter will be better in his POV. You will understand why.
Matthew's POV
I pop open one eye to see Elizabeth staring at me, smiling.
"Good morning babe!" she hugs me. What's up with her today?
"Why are you suddenly acting like a married woman?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Because I have to prepare for our future." she winks at me. Her comment shocks me. Marriage? B-But I cannot marry anyone. I promised to him.
Sensing my lack of excitement she suddenly starts to panic "Oh my gosh! I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just joking. It's not like we are getting married or something, right?" she waves her hand in dismiss.
Maybe I should lighten up her mood. Why should she be sad for a reason in which she isn't even involved?
"You... You don't want to marry me?" I start, wiping fake tears. Seeing her panic even more, I start to smirk internally. This is going just fine.
"N-No! I didn't mean that! I will marry you! Of course I'll marry you! I mean I will, but I-"
I star laughing, putting a stop to her banter.
"Joke is over. Get ready and meet me downstairs."
I select my clothes and walk into the washroom, to do my business.
I turn the faucet as warm water starts pouring on my, soothing my nerves.
A deep sigh escapes my mouth. I have to tell this to her today. I can't escape it any longer. I had to tell this to her some or the other day. And that 'some day' has to be today.
I walk out of the room with a towel around my waist as another deep sigh escapes my mouth.
Welp! It has to be all or nothing.
3 hours later..
How should I start?
Seeing my fidgeting with my fingers, Elizabeth puts her hand on mine and looks at me with worrying eyes.
Again! Again I made her worry over a piece of trash that is me.
I keep my hand on her and take a deep breath.
"I...really don't know where to start. So I'll just tell you everything that happened on that day." Even though it would crush my heart each time I remember it...
"Stop pulling on my hair, please." Since the day this demon blinded my brother, I never dared to speak ill with her.
"Nuh-uh boy. Today, you have to prove yourself worthy of living with us. Come on" Elizabeth's mother kept on pulling me by my hair despite my cries.
But I still didn't get what she meant. Prove myself?
But my questions were soon answered when she stood me before my brother, who was standing with Aunt Linda behind him, and surprise! She was smirking.
What is going on?
"Okay!" Aunt Linda claps her hands "Let's get started." she grins evilly.
Before I could comprehend anything, and object was placed in my hand. I look up to see Kayden holding something similar.
A gun...
I'm back!!!
Phew! I am too exhausted from the trip. You know, when we reached there, as soon as I and my friend opened the door to our "room", we were welcomed by a....
Wait for it...
A 6 inch...
When we asked our trip organizer about it, he said, "Come on! It's a nature camp. We have these spiders here as pets. You will meet them frequently"
But after a day, we got used to them and now, I'm not scared of spiders even a bit!
Anyways, the answer to the question in the last chapter is...
Wow! None of my readers watch K-dramas. Welp! Bad for you.
So, wait till next chapter, which might take quite a while...
Diya out!

Besties Never Lie ♥
Teen Fiction"I..." "Stop it!" he shouts, stopping me in mid sentence "I hate you." "B-But why? Why do you hate me?" "Oh! You know the reason." "If I would've, then I would've never bothered you." "Stop! Stop acting so naive and shit!" "I..." "I hate you! A...