Elizabeth's POV
I open my eyes and see that the moon has risen up...
My moon...
I look towards Matt. God! He looks really tired.
"Uh... Matthew... Are you okay?"
Me, suddenly speaking appears to shock him a little, as he look towards me with wide eyes.
But upon seeing me he relaxes and keeps on driving.
"Yeah. I am fine. Why?" he sounds sleepy.
"I think you should sleep for now. Tell me the directions. I can drive too. And no buts." I look at him, although he is looking ahead of him.
"I said not buts!" I say in a warning tone.
He sighs and parks the car to the side of the road. He takes his phone out and fidgets with it for some while, and then throws it towards me.
He opens the door and gets off, me doing the same. We exchange our places, and I, putting down the phone, speed off to the roads of god knows where.
I glance towards him and see that he has already taken the blanket and fallen asleep.
I smile.
"I know I am beautiful but look ahead or we might end up in an accident."
His comment makes me blush and turn my head to look in front, so that he cannot see my flushed cheeks.
But... I won't disagree. He really is beautiful. An ecstatic moon shining brightly upon me with all its might.
I sigh. He's too good to be true.
But... I don't care. I'll enjoy as much time I have with him.
But....Why do I have this ill feeling? Like something's wrong. I can't help but think that it was a wrong decision to come here.
I shrug the thought out of my mind. I'm here for Kayden, not the one I loved but the one who is the brother to my moon.
I sigh... I hope my instincts are wrong and we will soon be living our happily ever after.
I keep on driving...
I yawn and look at the clock, there is only an hour left.
I look towards Matt and see that he is still asleep.
"Matt... " I poke him with my index finger. "Matt... wake up. We are almost there... "
"yeah?" he groans.
Holy shit! His morning voice is so hot!
Snap out of it Elizabeth!
"There is only an hour left Matt."
"What?!" he shouts."Stop the car! "
I pull the car to a side. What happened? Matt got off abd walked towards my side and opens the door. I take it as an indication that he wants me to come out, and I do so.
He gets in and closes the door.
I sigh. I walk around the car and sit on the passenger seat, closing the door. I turn to look at the boy beside me "What happened Matt? "
"nothing. I just thought that you must be tired. Go to sleep now. Okay? Leave the rest of the drive to me. "
I nod and take the blanket, pulling it over myself.
I close my eyes... But only Matt's worried and shocked face comes into view, which increases my ill feeling.
I hope I am wrong...
Phew! I finally wrote it. There will be extremely slow updates since exans are up and I have to help my friend write a new book. She's new to wattpad and I finally convinced her to start her own book.
Diya out!

Besties Never Lie ♥
Teen Fiction"I..." "Stop it!" he shouts, stopping me in mid sentence "I hate you." "B-But why? Why do you hate me?" "Oh! You know the reason." "If I would've, then I would've never bothered you." "Stop! Stop acting so naive and shit!" "I..." "I hate you! A...