Eight : Mine?

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Elizabeth's POV

"And at last I see the light... What's next?" I forgot the lyrics of the song of Tangled "Candy! Sing this song for me!"

"Uh... I am really bad at singing."

I pull his ear. Really small 4 year old ear. "Don't lie! You sing so beautifully that our English teacher cried after hearing you sing."

"Oh him!" he waves his hand in dismissal "He's always overreacting. But if you really want me to sing, then I will"

He takes a deep breath.

"And at last I see th-"


"Someone's in trouble." I nudge him in the stomach "It was really nice knowing you, may god help you rest in peace. Amen." and just for effect, I wipe fake tears.

"Elly! Stop! Momma! I'm coming!"

"And there he goes, so perfectly, the kind of flawless I wish I could be." I sing, making Candy turn and poke his tongue at me.

I giggle into my hands.


Elizabeth's POV

He keeps on staring at me.

"Uh... What?" I ask, flustered, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"You are really beautiful!" he admits, shyly.

"Uh... Thanks?" Why am I so nervous?

He pulls me in a tight hug, which made me relaxe in his arms.

Is this what you feel when you like someone?

He pulls back and looks into my eyes. His eyes... Are so beautiful. So familiar. I find myself staring at them.

"So... Would you like to go on a date with me? He extends his hand.

"Now?!" I ask, surprised.

"Of course not. How about tomorrow? Time and place I'll decide and tell you."

"YES! uhm... I mean, yeah, sure, why not."

He laughs and grabs my hand, leading me towards his car. "Where are we going?" I ask. "To my house, back. I can't wait to announce to everyone that you are my girlfriend." he replies, clearly excited.


"Uh, do you... Not want to be my girlfriend?" he looks at me.


"What?! You don't?" he cuts me off.

"No! I mean yes! I mean- wait! What I mean is that I want to be your girlfriend. But I was just surprised when you suddenly said that I was your girlfriend." I explain in one breath. Phew! That was hard.

He chuckles and starts the car as we speed off to the roads of Austin.

" So... Do you want me to ask you to be mine? Cause if you do, then I would love to. " he asks, out of the blue.


"I... You can, if you want to." I reply.

"Ok! Done!" he smiles ear to ear.

I really love his smile.

As we reach to his house, he parks his car and jumps out of it and runs inside, leaving me sitting there like a fool.

After a while, I get my senses back and I climb out of the car. But wouldn't he be here with me?

I walk inside and...

"Hey! Will you be mine?"

I slap the person.



Hey! New chapter!

And I have literally nothing to say except for saying...

Now the book will have slow updates. Thank you. *bows*





Love you!.
Diya ♥

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