Thirty: How Long?

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From here, there will be... I don't know how many... Diary entries. And after the diary entry, there will normal chapter in continuation.

Thank you.

14th march, 2015

Dear diary,

I found Elly sitting on the bench, so I went there to ask her about her gloomy mood today in school. But seeing me, she stood up and ran away.

It broke my heart to see her run away. I was finally thinking about telling her about my feelings then and there.

Seeing that telling her at her home is impossible as her mom has forbidden me to tell her about it. Thinking about that time, when she told me that I should never tell Elly, my true feelings, I wonder why she did that.

I always think about my precious little doll, day and night. How am I supposed to hide my feelings from her?

But, her running away like that, had broken the courage that I had somehow managed to muster up.

I don't know how long will I be able to stay with her. I don't know when will mother throw me away and bring him in.

But I have to be brave, for Elly. My Elly. I have to tell her about my feelings and my true identity. That I'm not and never will be, Kayden.


Elizabeth's POV ❤

I remember that day. I was gloomy because it was the day when for the first time I had realized my feelings for him. I could not bear to face him after that.

But... What does he mean by the last line? He is not Kayden. Then... Who is he? And why has my mother forbidden him to...confess to me? Why!?

Still, learning about his feelings like just incomplete. Incorrect.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I move on to the next entry.


I know, extremely short chapter.

But, an announcement!

I'm thinking of writing a fan fiction book. What about it? Seeing all the fan fics, I want to write my own.

Any ideas?

Xx_TheRainbowGirl_xX aka Diya

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