Elizabeth's POV
".... Elly...." He gasps.
"I-I'm coming." I run towards the pool. But I don't know how to swim.
I dip my feet in water but pull it back instantly.
"K-Kayden... No... Stop!" I try again to go inside. But no avail. I'm too scared.
"Elly...." he gasps for air, as if trying to use his last breath to say something.
"No! I'm coming!" i look around for something to use.
I find a rod and pull it. I try to extend it towards Kayden, but accidentally end up hitting him on the head.
Oh no!
I frantically look around for something, and when all seemed hopeless, I jumped into the pool. But as I didn't knew swimming, I ended up holding Kayden for my support.
"Kayden? Look at me." I pull his face with one hand to look at me.
"Elly... I... L-... Love....You"
"What?" I look at him, shocked.
"I love you." he tries to speak.
"You love me?" I look at his eyes. It is now or never.
I pull the rod which fell in the water and fix it in the ladder attached to the pool, and try pulling him out of the pool.
After a while, I succeed in pulling him out, but his eyes are not opening.
"Kayden?" I hold his face.
No response.
"KAYDEN!" I shout. No! No no no no.... It can't be happening.
I run out from his house and start shouting. "Help! Help!"
After a while, Mrs. Moore comes rushing and after seeing Kayden, calls the ambulance in a hurry.
Tic toc...
Tic toc...
I keep on looking at the clock.
Seconds feel like minutes...
Minutes feel like hours.
It's been a while since we came here. My mother also came and hugged me.
I got to know that after that day, I fainted and didn't woke for a day and a half. Kayden was extremely worried for me. But he never came... He was in his house, locked in his room, mourning for his, now dead mother.
Yes, she didn't survived. It was too late till we called the ambulance. Her face was badly burnt and so did her skin.
But... Why did Kayden tried to kill himself? He wasn't like this. The Kayden I knew was strong.
Suddenly my train of thoughts were broken as doctor came out.
"I'm sorry. We were not able to save him. He had been in water for too long. Water has collected in bulk in his lungs. He didn't survived."
The world seems to stop around me. Everyone went inside and came out. But I can't. I can't go inside. I'm a scaredy cat. I won't be able to survive seeing him lying there.
"Elizabeth, you might want to go in for a bit." Mrs. Moore pats me on the back.
I step back. I'm not ready.
"Go in or you'll regret it for the rest of your life." she pushes me in.
I take a deep breath and open the door to see a lifeless Kayden lying on the bed.
It wasn't long before tears start falling from my eyes.
I run towards him and take his hand in mine. It feels so cold. Just like how my heart is right now.
I remember his last words...
"I love you."
I do too.
I just wanted to tell you that.
More tears fall down.
It's my fault!
IT'S MY FREAKING FAULT!!! Why am I such a scaredy cat? My mother was right. I am useless. I am a....murderer...
"I love you."
Why? Why was I not able to say 'I love you' in return?
Now... I will never be able to tell him my true feelings...
Because he's gone.
One more chapter left and then this story will jump into the present.
Let me just wipe my tears.
I want to dedicate this chapter to all those people who have somehow lost someone dear to them.
I won't say that I can feel you, because I can't. Only one person can understand you.... And that's you. Yourself.
People say that time heals wounds. But is it really true? Is it really necessary to heal the wounds? Why not keep them and tell the world that you have experienced something, something that you can never even imagine?
Just know, that one day, all of this will be over, and you will be left only with happy memories of that person.
And to ruin the sad moment, I just scratched my leg with my very own toe nail yesterday. And it started bleeding heavily. And then after bleeding stopped, I hit my same foot on paint can and another part started bleeding. And today I scartched my other leg with a rod kept on floor when I went shopping. But thankfully it didn't bled.
Who's the most clumsiest person in the world? ME!
Xx_TheRainbowGirl_xX aka Diya

Besties Never Lie ♥
Teen Fiction"I..." "Stop it!" he shouts, stopping me in mid sentence "I hate you." "B-But why? Why do you hate me?" "Oh! You know the reason." "If I would've, then I would've never bothered you." "Stop! Stop acting so naive and shit!" "I..." "I hate you! A...