Not an update!

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As you can see from the title, this is not a chapter, but me, just shamelessly self promoting my new book. Yup, I'm that shameless.

Like you can just shout from somewhere, "Who is shameless here?"

And I'll just wave my hand saying, "Yup. That's me. Nice to meet you."

...Anyways! Back to topic!

As I was saying, I'm shamelessly self promoting my new book "Thoughts About Life"

As I was saying, I'm shamelessly self promoting my new book "Thoughts About Life"

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I'm not going to copy paste the whole description here...

It's a book about some thoughts I have during boring classes, bus rides, sleeping etc., in the form of poems. Moreover, if you have any burden on your shoulders, just want to confess something, or have accomplished something and want the world to know about it, you have reached the right place.

Your identity will remain anonymous, or not, according to your wishes.

SO, JOIN ME... *cough* It sound like I'm trying to get you to some adventure.

Anyways, do try my book, if you have time.

diya out!

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