Thirty Eight: Revenge, Death, Hurt..

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Elizabeth's POV

"Elizabeth. Meet him. The real Kayden."

My world is right now full of confusion and the only way I could survive is by staying strong.

I harshly wipe off my tears and walk behind Matt who was walking outside.

We come out of the house, into the backyard and sit on the bench, while I give some time to him, before he would tell me the truth.

Even the most oblivious person could've told that he is nervous. Extremely nervous.

Even I am nervous. We both are here, missing our school, so that I can be aware of the secret I had the right to know.

I keep my hand on his and squeeze it. He let's out a breath. And starts speaking...

"You know, he is in coma right now." I don't say anything, just look at him, and nod, and he continues "Do you want to know who was the one to send him in this condition?"

I nod again.

"It was me."

I suddenly pull my hand back, as if that single three-word sentence has literally given me a push. But I keep my hand back to its position, so he won't lose himself.

He sighs "I... I had always been the one who had played with you, stayed with you and been your companion. But with the name Kayden. Since birth I was told that my name was Kayden, and so,... I believed it. But one day, my mother comes up to me and says that she doesn't have a long time to live. And.... She knows the future that she will be killed in fire. "

"What!?" I abruptly stand up. He pulls me down and wraps his hands around me, which somehow calms me down.

"She never told me about how she knew, but I believed her and she pulled me into a corner to tell me that I have a twin brother. She further told me that his name was Kayden and mine was Matthew. Before I could have asked anything, she herself told me the reason as to why she called me Kayden. "

He takes a deep breath.

"It's to save me from my Aunt, my mother's sister, Linda. Aunt Linda had a son, who was killed an accident. So she wanted to kill me as a revenge. At our birth, we, Me and Kayden, had been sleeping on different beds. I had been two seconds older and it was specified on my name tag, which, unfortunately was hung in Kayden's crib and his in mine. She injected some chemical into Kayden's body, thinking it was me, which severely damaged his whole body from inside."

By this time, he had tears in his eyes.

"That was the reason why he was kept hidden from the outside world, due to his hideous appearance and his weak body, till he would regain his health, which he did thanks to some potions my mother fed him. Mom changed my name to Kayden so that Aunt would believe that she had spoiled the older child and younger one is still safe. Otherwise, she would have harmed me too. "

I wipe his tears with my handkerchief and hug him tightly, urging him to continue.

"After 8 days, as predicted, she died, but somehow, Kayden survived because he had escaped from the window to catch a butterfly that entered his room. I thought he left to meet you, but he told me otherwise. And that day, when you saw me drowning, it wasn't me. It was Kayden. I saw you both from my room. How he confessed that he loved you, was... Not very pleasant for me. "

"B-But" I couldn't keep it in any longer "Doctor said that he died but..."

"It was all Aunt Linda's plan. She somehow managed to team up with... With...."

"With?" what happened?

"Your mother."


Very long chapter. Finally I have the whole plot decided. And... About Matthew's story... I came up with it just now while writing. Hehe.

I really want to write a story which tells about Kayden's and Matt's past. But I am lacking in motivation. If anyone of you would read it, then do tell me. Your words motivate me a lot.

And if anyone can suggest a title, it would be awesome.

Xx_TheRainbowGirl_xX aka Diya.

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