Elizabeth's POV
I sit on my bed, looking at the diary. Should I really open it? Or should I just wait for him to tell me whatever he wants?
I'll just open it.
I open the diary and two notes fall down. Huh?
I pick one up.
I will tell her the truth.
Truth? Her?
What is this? It is written in a really bad handwriting.
I pick up the other note and instantly recognize the handwriting. Matt! But it seems like it's been written in a hurry.
Don't fall for the trap. He will ruin you. He is not me. He is not me. He will trick you and then hurt you. Just know that I love you and he hates you. Please remember,
What!? Kayden? He... Hates me? Why? But didn't Kayden...died?
I re-read the letter many times. Each word was like a blow to my heart. Why kayden? What happened to you? But... How is Matt.... Kayden?
I turn the pages of the diary and suddenly it hits me. It's Kayden's diary. The one I found in his room. Where I found his letter.
But, the only difference is that then, all the pages were intact, but now, everything is ripped off.
I turn some pages and finally see an entry of 2 years ago,
Dear diary,
Why can't I just die? She will just kill me if I live here longer. It will be better to just die. And... Is Kayden now really inside me? Am I not the real him? Or is he not the real me? Was he really my... I am really confused. I wish Elly would have been here. She would tell me, "I'll be alright now that I'm here!". I miss you Elly. I and Kayden, we both do.
Rest of the pages were empty.
I turn the pages to see a written entry. It's of yesterday...
Dear diary,
I know, that I'm going to ruin the girl I once loved. The girl I once cherished a lot. But she herself is the reason. She brought this upon herself. And she will face the consequences...
Elly, you are reading this aren't you?
I drop the book in shock. He gave the book to me on purpose. But why did he want to tell me the earlier entry.
"So here is the little princess, reading what?" he bursts into my room, smirking.
One look at him and I start tearing up. He's Kayden. My Kayden.
"K-Kayden..." I extend my hand towards him.
"What!? What...are you talking about? Who's K-Kayden?" he looks shocked. But then he sees something behind me and run towards it.
I turn to see that the diary has opened to the page of his entry I read first.
He picks up the diary and looks at it with a horrified expression." Where did you find this entry?! Where!?" he shouts.
"Uh... It was there in it..." I was confused as to why he was so angry.
He rips the paper and tears in into pieces. "I'm not Matt. I'm not Matt." he mutters to himself.
"Kayden. It's you. It's really you." I look up at him, happiness clear on my face "I-I was so lost without you" I put my hands on his shoulder.
He removes them and screams "No you weren't! You were really happy after you thought I died. And I hate you, don't forget. A-And you didn't even know about my existence."
Poor baby,....
My heart...
I just want to cry. I had a fight with my bff and it's really not okay. I don't want any sort of sympathy. I'm just telling it to all the readers because I think that this is the best place to share my feelings and...
Ok! Stopping with all the depressing subjects...
I hope you like the chapter...
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,👈 a dot with tail. Lol. MysMe fans will get it!
Xx_TheRainbowGirl_xX aka Diya.

Besties Never Lie ♥
Jugendliteratur"I..." "Stop it!" he shouts, stopping me in mid sentence "I hate you." "B-But why? Why do you hate me?" "Oh! You know the reason." "If I would've, then I would've never bothered you." "Stop! Stop acting so naive and shit!" "I..." "I hate you! A...