Thirty Seven: Sleeping Boy

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Elizabeth's POV

I take a deep breath in. I have to do this. Adjusting my bagstrips on my back, I knock on the door slowly.

I can do this.

The door suddenly opens, revealing Matt in all his glory. Before I could've uttered a word, he pulls me into a tight hug.

He starts moving his hand through my hair, which, I don't know how, manages to calm me  down a bit.

"Oh my god White. Are you okay? Where have you been? Kaira came to my house to ask if you were here. But since you weren't, I got extremely worried." he pulls back and inspects my face for any scratches.

"Are you okay?" he looks at me in the eye.

I could only nod.

He sighs and moves back, some steps. "Where had you gone?"

It was my turn to sigh. This is it. All or nothing.

"I went to my old house."

"What!? Why?" he looks at me wide eyed.

"Uh... I had to know... What has happened to..." I look at my shoes, feeling slightly nervous.

He sighs again "You want me to tell you the truth?"

I look up at him and nod excitedly.

"But, are you sure that you will be able to handle it? Truth can hurt sometimes, you know?"

"I-I can." right?

"Okay. Come with me."


"To Los Angeles."


8 hours later...

I am standing before a beautiful house. The house looks quite peaceful with small flowers all around the fence, some on the entrance door. But...

Why here?

I look at Matt with confusion.

"Ok. Look. Whatever I say, Whatever I do, just please listen to me carefully and don't misunderstand things before hearing the full story."

"Okay?" Was it so hard to tell me about it.

He grabs my hand and starts pulling me inside. What the hell?

We stop in front of a door with something carved on it. I try to read it...

"My world is my son, but I want to be the universe to him."


I look at Matt with wide eyes.

"Please... Just... Just don't freak out." (a reference to Tangled) I nod.

There was a window in between the door, so it was visible that a boy was lying on a bed with many IV tubes connected. But since the window was dirty, his face wasn't visible.

Who is he?

Why are we here?

I have many thoughts in my head right now.

But I push them all aside and trust Matt to tell me everything.

He pushes the door open, and we walk towards the sleeping boy.

As soon as I see his face, I didn't even wait for Matt to tell me, who he is. Tears start pouring down my eyes, when I see the boy who was in front of me. But that didn't stop Matt from saying...

"Elizabeth. Meet, him. The real Kayden."


Boom! Another cliffhanger! We have reached 600+ reads. I'm so happy! Thanks to all those readers who are giving their love to Elizabeth, Kayden and Matt.

Keep reading.

Some secrets will be unleashed now.

This chapter is dedicated to DarkPrincess1806 I hope you liked my book!

Xx_TheRainbowGirl_xX aka Diya

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