Fifty Six: 3 days

88 14 11

Matthew's POV

It's too hard...

I-I can't do it anymore.

It's been a week since I've found that map in my dungeon. Since then, I've been constantly working day and night to find us a way out and get Kayden's antitode on the way.

Till now, I've figured how to reach to Kayden's antitode, but from there, picking up Elizabeth and then reaching the exit, I can't figure it out.

And I only have 3 days left..

I remember Aunt Linda's words from 3 days back, clearly in my head.


I was still thinking of a way out, when suddenly Emma grabbed me and pushed me towards the basement, as she wanted me to clean that.

"Why did you send him to the basement? What if he hears us?" a quite whispers causes my ears to perk up.

I tip toe towards the source of the voice and peek from behind the wall.

Aunt Linda is talking to Emma?


"It's fine. He won't hear us. But if you are still cautious, let's move to the first floor and talk there." Emma looks like she's trying to assure Aunt Linda.

Aunt Linda nods and starts walking towards their destination, with me following.

The close the door of their room, causing me to put me ear on it.

Time to eavesdrop.

"Six days?!" Emma's voice booms out. Looks like I've missed something.

"Shh... And yes. Six days. And then Matthew will be over, and you can have Elizabeth to yourself." Aunt Linda spoke in a quiet voice, but I was able to catch it.


Darn mouses!

"Who is there?!" Aunt Linda shouts, "Emma! Go check on Matthew."

"Yes Linda."

Time to run!

I start sprinting down towards the basement.

Flashback end

I somehow managed to reach the basement in time to grab my mop and pretend to be cleaning.

But... What did they mean by 'over'? I think they are planning to murder me or something.

No shit Sherlock!

Why does our inner voice always ruins such a dramatic moment!?

I roll my eyes at my internal self.

But anyways, 3 days? I really hope I can manage something by that time....

But anyways, 3 days? I really hope I can manage something by that time

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Elizabeth's POV (a week ago)

"Alina? Alina are you alright?"

Uh... What is happening?

Who is calling me?

Am I dead?

I open my eyes to see sunlight hitting my eyes, forcing them to shut down.

"Oh my god, Alina! I'm so glad you are fine. You don't know how scared I was when I saw you sprawled out on the floor, and blood pouring out from your head." the same voice speaks.

I touch my head to feel the tightness of a bandage surrounding it.

What happened?

I look at the source of voice....

"Alina? Say something? Your mother was worried sick. Can't you just appreciate it and say something?" she pulls me into a hug.

I wrap my arms around her, confused.


okay! You all are now given the permission to let your imaginations run wild, on what happened to Elizabeth

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okay! You all are now given the permission to let your imaginations run wild, on what happened to Elizabeth.

*evil laugh*

I love stopping on cliffhangers.

And guys! We are almost at 2K reads and 1K votes!

*throws confetti*

Thank you for all your support guys! I really appreciate it.

Diya out!

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