"Stop it!" he shouts, stopping me in mid sentence "I hate you."
"B-But why? Why do you hate me?"
"Oh! You know the reason."
"If I would've, then I would've never bothered you."
"Stop! Stop acting so naive and shit!"
"I hate you! A...
Is Matthew scared? Yes. Does he want to back out? Yes.
But his love is more powerful than his fears. Keeping that in mind, he puts his bag down, which has a gun and antitode for Kayden in it.
Till now, he has succeeded in getting the antitode, without being caught. Now all he has to do, is to get Elizabeth and get out of here.
He looks at her peacefully sleeping face. She's an angel. He smiles to himself. He has to get her out.
But, that smile soon fades as he realizes, what he has to do to her, to get her out. Pulling out a handkerchief, he pours the chemical on it. Muttering a small sorry, he gets done with his work.
He picks up the fragile girl, and gasps, when he realizes that she had lost weight. Why are they doing this to you?
Carrying her on her back, he tip toes towards the garage, without coming into notice. There was one thought lurking in his mind...
Where is everybody? Why is it all so quiet?
But he didn't get enough time to think about it, before, a voice stops them, as soon as they enter the garage.
"I had a feeling that something was wrong."
Matthew freezes.
And looks towards his most dreaded fear... Aunt Linda, holding a knife. A knife he recognized a bit too clearly...
How could he have stopped nostalgia from rushing in...
He was helpless...
There, inside the room, those were demons, taking his brother's soul, but he couldn't utter a word. His mouth was tied, the day they blinded Kayden.
He banged on the door, pleading to those venoms to have some mercy on a poor 15 year old child...
But his pleads were left unheard.
Not being able to bear it anymore, he somehow manages to break open the door, to see the most dreaded sight, which was bound to leave a scar.
His brother... Lying lifeless...
And those heartless women, taking his kidney out...
Flashback end...
They sold his brother's kidney right in front of him.
Matthew steps back... Causing Elizabeth to wake....
"Uh... Where am I? Who are y-Matthew?! What are you doing?!" she screams... But he doesn't speak a word... His eyes are focused to somewhere else..
Elizabeth, easily jumps off his back, to look ahead of them... She gasps...
Right in front of them, was standing Aunt Linda, with a knife in her hand.... And the knife was pointed towards... Kayden's lifeless body, lying on a stretcher.
"Where did you get him?" Matthew speaks, in low voice..
"Oh! I have my connections... Now go back, or you'll pay..." She inspeacts the knife, like it was the most stunning thing in the world...
A voice screams, easily catching their attention. Elizabeth spoke up,
Shock is quite evident in Matthew's eyes, but he is trying not to let his guards down.
"What?" Aunt Linda speaks, with a hint of laughter in her voice, "So the petty mother has finally found her conscience and decided to help her daughter and her lover boy?"
"Please, Linda." Emma pleads, "These children have done nothing to you... Let them go" with each word, she went closer to Aunt Linda... To the point where she was exactly between her and Kayden...
Oh! If only she would snatch that knife! It was the only thing Matthew and Elizabeth could think at that moment...
And that's what she did.
She snatches the knife from her hand, and lands a punch in her face, in between.
She grabs hold of the stretcher and pushes it towards Matthew, making it easily slide towards him.
"Let's leave! Mother! Come on! Let's leave..." Matthew is again shocked... Elizabeth speaking normally? He kept a notice in mind to ask about it later.
Matthew holds Elizabeth's hand, but she pulls it back, running towards her mother...
And as she grabs hold of her mother's hand, a figure stands up in front of them, pointing a gun towards Elizabeth...
"No! Aunt Linda! Please, not her... " tears were brimming Matthew's eyes, for he knew what limits could his Aunt droop down to...
He leaves the stretcher and runs towards Elizabeth... And it's not long before....
Two gun shots are heard...
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This book is seriously coming to an end... I can't believe it! There will be not more than 5 more chapters... I'll try to update as soon as possible!
Please give all your lobe and support to this book!