Elizabeth's POV
"When we will grow older... W-will you m-marry me?" Kayden asks, fidgeting with his fingers.
The question took me off guard.
Why was my 6 year old bestie asking me to marry him im future? Why now?
"B-But we are to small!" I somehow mug up a reply.
"I-I knew it! You don't love me! You love that boy you always speak to. And-"
I pull him into a hug.
"I love you kayden" I rub his back "You are my best friend."
Elizabeth's POV
Everything has been perfect since the day Matthew has asked me out. It has been 9 months (yup! I'm skipping the story ahead to 9 months later) since the day he asked me out. And we've been really happy together since then.
Matt is the best boyfriend a girl can ask for. He's smart, handsome, caring, funny and not to mention extremely loving.
We always come and go home together in his car.
"Hey White! I have a plan for Christmas holidays! Let's go to Dubai! Or Switzerland! Wherever you want to go!"
"Just us?" I ask.
"No... Kaira and Jean can come too."
So, Jean is Kaira's current boyfriend. How they met? No one knows.
I shrug. "Anywhere is fine with me."
"So... Dubai! Dubai it is."
Then it dawns upon me where we are going.
"Hold on! We are going to Dubai? As in 'Dubai' Dubai? Are you serious?! I'm not ready! When are we going? No wait! How are we going?! Were will we stay?! Where will I arr-"
Matthew starts laughing, making me stop my banter and look up at him.
"You really are cute" he pinches my nose. It's becoming a habit. "Don't worry! Everything is arranged. We'll go in my private plane and stay at my villa near the beach there."
"Uh huh. Wait! What?! You have a private plane and a villa?!! How come I didn't know.... I must be living under a rock" I sigh "How is my boyfriend so rich?"
"Okay... Ms. Drama Queen. Let's get you back to home, shall we?"
"No!" I scream, making him look at me in shock "I've to go somewhere else today, so I'll manage. You can go home."
"The way you shouted just now made my heart jump." he puts a hand to his heart "And no. I'll tag along with you. You have no rights to refuse."
He links my hand with his and starts dragging me along with him.
"So, where are we going?" he looks quite excited. But I'm nowhere near excited.
I say nothing and start walking towards the place.
(25 minutes later)
"How much more? I'm tired now."
We've been walking since 25 minutes and all Matthew's been doing is complaining.
We finally reach there...
The graveyard.
"Today is my dad's 16th death anniversary. And my mom's 43rd birthday." I speak, in monotone.
The atmosphere is dead silent, but there is a storm going inside my heart. I still remember some flashes of what happened that day. Rest were reminded to me when I read mom's diary after her death.
"Do you want to talk?" he seems quite nervous.
He leads me towards a bench and makes me sit. And I let him be the second person to know about my dad's death... After kayden...
So... You might be wondering... She said that she'll not update coz of schools, but what is this?
So let me tell you, there is a *counting* 1, 2, 3... 4 days holiday. So I'll try to update as much as I can.
Thank you.
Xx_TheRainbowGirl_xX aka Diya

Besties Never Lie ♥
Teen Fiction"I..." "Stop it!" he shouts, stopping me in mid sentence "I hate you." "B-But why? Why do you hate me?" "Oh! You know the reason." "If I would've, then I would've never bothered you." "Stop! Stop acting so naive and shit!" "I..." "I hate you! A...