*Kellin POV*
"They're bring him innnn!" Zack sang dramatically. We all laughed, pushing the playing cards aside. It was basically time for community meeting, the last group of the night. They go around and ask everyone a series of questions like how do you feel? What's the best part of your day? Stuff like that. It was kinda my favorite part of the day because you get to know how your friends are really feeling. We sit here and joke around all day but we are all here for a reason. I never lose sight of that
"Here comes your man," Matty whispered. I just nudged his shoulder and looked to the open door. Nurse McMahon walked in and stood next to the timid boy.
"Hey guys! Did you have a good day?" We all just mumbled so she continued. "So I want you guys to meet Vic, he's new and I want you guys to make him feel at home." Vic gave a small nervous wave before looking back down at his feet.
"Nice to meet you man! I'm Alex" Alex said waving enthusiastically. Vic absently nodded as everyone introduced themselves. He seemed to be getting a little less timid as we went around. All of a sudden everyone's eyes were on me as Matty nudged me.
"Oh! I'm Kellin and may I say, you are fucking beautiful." I gave him a wink as his face turned bright red. What? I speak my mind.
"Kellin!" Nurse McMahon scolded. I just shrugged my shoulders as Vic took a seat on the other side of the room.
"Okay, community meeting, let's start with Alex. Best part of the day?" Alex shrugged
"Playing cards I guess."
"Not getting to see Jack today. He couldn't come up for visiting hours because he's sick."
"I'm sorry to hear that Alex. Feeling?"
"Drained. Exhausted." Nurse McMahon nodded
"Lastly, suicidal thoughts? 1 to 10."
Alex thought for a minute "8" the nurse nodded as she moved onto Alan. I gave Alex a look as if to say you okay? He just shrugged and looked away. That's the thing about Alex, he hides behind his jokes.
Sure enough after finding out that Alan felt nervous, Austin felt numb, and Rian felt fine because he's leaving tomorrow, it was my turn
"Kellin, you know the drill." I nodded and smiled.
"Feeling horny" nurse McMahon gave me a stern look so I added "and kinda empty. Worst part of the day? Matty beating my in cards. Best? Seeing that sexy ass Mexican over there." I smirked and winked as Vic turned away. "And the suicidal thoughts are the same as always."
The nurse nodded in understanding and wrote it all down on her pad. I looked up to see Vic giving me a questioning look but when we met eyes he looked away quickly.
"Okay, lastly Vic."
___________________________*Vic POV*
I don't know how I feel about this Kellin kid all I can say is I can't stop awkwardly blushing. The boy had his raven black hair hanging in his face over his big blue eyes. You could see a tattoo on his chest just above the collar of his tshirt. Not that I was checking him out. I shook my head quickly, getting rid of the thoughts as I heard my name.
"Best part of the day?" The nurse looked at me kindly. I pondered it for a second and came up with nothing.
"Um... None of it was good." The nurse frowned at me but continued on.
"Worst part?"
"Waking up." I didn't even hesitate and after I said it I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. But as I looked around the room I saw almost everyone nodding in agreement. I saw that Kellin boy staring at me but I avoided his gaze. It's good to know I'm not alone.
"Feeling?" The nurse asked kindly.
"Suicidal thoughts?" Right now? 10 defiantly 10 but I didn't want them to be overly concerned and have extra eyes on me
The nurse gave me a reassuring smile. "You know the drill boys, meds, movie or hanging out, sleep. So get in the med line." Everyone jumped up to be first so I just stayed back, keeping to my seat in the corner.
"Hey," I heard someone say. I looked up nervously. It was Kellin. "Let's go get in the med line. It seriously takes forever and I'll need you for company." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I instantly felt a weird warmth run through me. What the fuck Vic?? I don't know why I found it so hard to breathe all of a sudden.
"You okay?" He asked with an innocent smile. I gulped and nodded. Wonder if he felt like I felt? I know I shouldn't get close to anyone in here. I don't plan on being in here, or on this earth, for much longer anyway. Don't want to get more people attached and then let them down.
I let him pull me towards the med line anyway.

Another Boy Without A Sharper Knife (Kellic)
FanfictionVic has been through a lot in the past few days. He lost his best friend and almost took his own life. That's why he ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Kellin has been in the hospital for 20 days now but that's okay, he doesn't want to go home t...