Chapter 8

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After the movie was over Kellin and I ended up back in my room. The rest of the guys were watching some baseball game and I wasn't overly fond of sports. Soccer is pretty cool but I broke my wrist playing once so I don't really do it anymore.

I walked into the room as Kellin sat on the bed getting comfy. I don't know what he's planning on doing in here and I'm not sure that I liked it. I'm very attracted to Kellin don't get me wrong but it's just... Beau. It's stupid to feel like I have to stay loyal to him even though he was gone. I did kiss Kellin before but that was innocent and the look in his eyes now told me his thoughts were far from pure.

"So..." I said, dragging out the word. It felt a little awkward in here. Sexual tension will do that.

"Sit down?" Kellin suggested, patting the spot on the bed next to him. I shook my head not wanting to get into the small hospital bed. To be honest these beds really creeped me out and I don't know exactly why. Maybe it was just because I'm not sure if the patients who slept in it were still alive. It's weird and kinda a morbid thought and Kellin must have sensed my discomfort because before I knew it he was standing right I'm front of me, his lips inches from mine.

"We have about 10 minutes if I'm thinking correctly." He stated. I nodded, feeling kind of nervous. I didn't want to get caught especially when I didn't know what we would be doing.

Kellin gave me a hint though as he brushed his lips against mine gently, making heat travel throughout my body. I don't really like that he has this effect on me.

"You know you want to," he whispered, his hot breath on my lips. Fuck it. I was hard, there was tension, and I wanted to feel wanted.

I pressed my lips against his hard, all thoughts of gentle gone. I may seem like I'm innocent because I'm kind of quiet but believe me I'm not. Bedroom wise I'm pretty dominant. Freak in the sheets you know? Beau always hated it, he always wanted to be the one in control.

Kellin moved his lips against mine, his hands feeling down my sides before resting on my hips. I bit his lip gently willing him to open his mouth which he did. He tasted so good, like mint, the ones Alex gave us during the movie.

I pushed him against the wall roughly making him groan but I ignored it, wanting him to make even more noise which isn't smart seeing as where we are.

I pushed my body hard against his and grabbed his hips, grinding my lower body against his. I could feel that he was just as turned on as me even maybe a little bit more. How far was this going to go?

I got my answer when Kellin pushed me back, both of us landing on the bed. This time I didn't hesitate to lay on it, all former creeped out thoughts from before lost in my lust filled daze. Out of instinct I got on top of Kellin and grinded against him again loving the moans that were coming from his sweet lips.

At this point we were both panting even though we were just making out. I guess there was something about the danger of getting caught that turned the both of us on.

Kellin's hand traveled down my body, pulling up my shirt. I tossed it off quickly before going to kiss his neck purposely leaving marks. I felt the vibrations of his moans as I sucked near his collarbone. He was so responsive. It's weird to think that someone as cocky and confident as him would be so submissive in bed.

Maybe I underestimated him though because he made the first move, his hand going to the front of my jeans, palming the growing bulge. I let out a groan as he rubbed faster, his eyes looking back at me dark with lust. Fuck he was hot.

"Please," Kellin barely whispered against my lips. He was running his hand through my now tangled hair as his other one worked on trying to pull down my jeans a little. When he finally got it he instantly put his hand in my boxers squeezing me.

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