Vic's POV"So Vic, how's my little boy doing?" I rolled my eyes at my momma because come on, little boy?! She smiled at me though and pulled me into a hug.
"Um, I don't know, okay I guess. Just want to get out of here," I answered truthfully. She finally let me go so we all went to sit down in the vacant tv room.
"Vic baby, I just want you to know we care about you so so much," my momma said, tears already forming in her eyes. I was expecting this. I mean I would be upset if I had a son who tried to kill himself. I instantly felt horrible, my stomach clenching. How could I do this to them?
"I know momma, I'm sorry." My dad put a reassuring arm around my momma's shoulders.
"Vic," my dad spoke up, "we want to make sure you're completely healthy when you get out of here. That being said we feel that it would be an option to send you to a hospital about two hours away called filhaven. It's a nice place it seems and Mike has told us how you do nothing all day here. We just need you to get better so this is an option." My dad finished, using an authoritative tone. I instantly felt my stomach plunge.
"No! You can't do that! I swear it was just a stupid mistake and I plan to get better! Give me a chance to show you, don't send me away," I pleaded through shaky breaths. They can't send me away. I can't handle being here let alone hours away from everyone. I would miss my family, they're all I have now except a few friends from high school.
"Okay, we'll see how you are when you get out of here and if things start to go downhill again we have to consider every option." I nodded. I was determined to show them that I'm fine even though I'm far from it. I guess next time I try I'll have to actually succeed with dying.
"So what's going on lately?" Mike asked to clear the air. I thought of my boring days and remembered the song coming up tomorrow.
"Actually, I wrote a song," I said proudly. Mike's face lit up. He loves being able to preform new things and he's always loved my lyrics.
"Oh yeah? Let's see it!" I pulled the crumpled piece (A/N that autocorrected to pierce. How sad) of paper out of my pocket and handed it to him. He scanned it while I assured my parents that I've been eating.
"But Vic baby you look so skinny!"
"Momma, I promise that I-"
"Holy shit Vic this is great!" Mike exclaimed, cutting me off. Dad sent him a warning look for cursing.
"Thanks bro," I said kinda shyly. I'm still not used to people complementing my writing.
"We need to work on the tunes behind this. It's far too fast to be acoustic, it needs to be screamed, and it's just like hate filled. God, I can totally see you and Beau singing this together." Mike's eyes grew wide, realizing what he just said. Fuck not going to lie it sucked the breath out of me but Mike of course didn't mean it. Momma gave me a concerned look but I just turned to Mike, giving him a fake smile.
"Me too, I might sing it tomorrow, I just have to see if anyone would do the other part." Mike nodded, glad that I didn't freak out on him or break down into a puddle of tears.
"I'd like to be here when you do it," he said, looking back down at the lyrics.
"I'll see if that's possible," I said, a real smile on my face this time as I saw my families proud looks. Maybe I WAS good for something even if it's just writing and singing stupid songs. I could just imagine myself standing on stage in front of thousands of kids just singing my heart out. I smiled at the thought but then instantly frowned, feeling sick. I don't plan on making it that long.

Another Boy Without A Sharper Knife (Kellic)
FanfictionVic has been through a lot in the past few days. He lost his best friend and almost took his own life. That's why he ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Kellin has been in the hospital for 20 days now but that's okay, he doesn't want to go home t...