Chapter 19

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"I got to go. See ya." I hung up the phone quickly not even waiting for Kellin to respond. I know for a fact that I sounded like a dick and he's probably upset right now but I just let my worry consume me.

"That didn't sound like a good call," Mike said from the opposite side of the couch. I laid my head in my hands and let out a deep sigh. Tony and Jaime had just left giving us a break in practicing for the night. The intro to Insidious flashed by on the screen as I felt sick.

"Yeah wasn't the best," I mumbled, putting my head back in my hands.

"Talk to me brother. Think of me as the therapist you never had. Well I mean you do have one but that's not the point. The point is I want you to spill whatever's bothering you no matter how small." I rolled my eyes at Mike but decided to lay my trust in him anyway.

"Kellin gets to leave in 3 days," I said, looking to Mike. He gave me a confused look.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Yeah! I'm excited to see him I really am but it's also a bad thing."

"Explain," Mike commanded, inching closer to me.

"It's just that he's doing early release which basically means you get to leave no matter if you're truly ready or not. I'm just worried sick that he isn't ready."

"Why?" Mike asked, trying to push more out of me.

"Because he isn't healthy and I worry all the time if he's safe. What if he stops taking his meds again? What if his father hits him? Will he go off the deep end?" I questioned even though I knew Mike didn't have the answers. "I just don't know what to do."

Mike let out a sigh. "It seems like you and I are in the same situation."

"How so?" I asked, clearly confused. I don't know how he could relate with this.

"Vic don't you think it worries me that you tried to kill yourself and you got out of the hospital in only a week?? That scares the shit out of me! You may have the doctors and momma and dad fooled but not me. You're not better. Kellin's not better either but the thing is you have to be there for him. He needs you the most after you two were dumb enough to crush on each other. Don't push him away because you're afraid of what he could end up doing. I know that you don't want to get hurt like that again but the kid needs you. It would be so easy for me to push you away and stay in my room all day because I'm just as worried as you. What if YOU end up going off the deep end again? What if you fucking leave me?" Mike questioned, his voice a little shaky.

I'm not going to lie I felt like sobbing. It felt horrible knowing that I was doing this to my own brother. "Mikey I'm so sorry," I said quietly not wanting my voice to crack. He recovered quickly, giving me a small smile.

"Just be there for him okay? And I'll be here for you." I nodded smiling back at my brother just as the tv caught my eye.

"Holy shit! What kind of demon is that?!" Mike yelled, throwing a pillow at the red faced demon on the screen. I snorted, shoving Mike playfully.

"Victor and Michael! You get up here now! It's late!" Mike and I let out a laugh before switching the tv off and heading upstairs to face a glaring momma. We both gave her goofy smiles before she smiled back, heading back into her and dad's room.

"Thanks Mikey. Seriously I have no idea where I would be without you."

"Well you'd be dead," Mike answered honestly and rather bluntly. I rolled my eyes and shoved him into his room before going in mine, shutting the door softly behind me.

The days went by so quickly and before I knew it it was the day that Kellin was to be released. I hadn't talked to him since he told me about getting out so I'm not exactly sure where we stand but when Alex mentioned Kellin didn't have a ride to get home I jumped on the chance to pick him up. Alex was officially out now though I haven't seen him. We mainly text all day and we plan on having a celebration for Kellin, like a party since he's been in the hospital for so long. I mean after a month in the looney bin you need some booze.

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