Truth/Fight ! </3

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The Only People Who Really Make Them Long Comments Are @Amore_Dior &&’ @it’sQueenMindless. So, I Appreciate it. Anywhore, how did y'all like the last chapter? I’mma try to make it 3 pages again, or like 4. SO, yea. Enjoy!


- Alveri -

I was laying in bed rocking Talia to sleep. After a couple minutes she was fully sleep so I layed a blanket on the couch and layed her on it. I flicked on TV and turned on 106. It had my future husband in which was Wiz Khalif's! I smiled and turned it up some. “Knock ! Knock ! Knock !” I heard someone knock on the door. I turned down the TV and went to open the door. I opened it and it was my mom. I rolled my eyes and let her in. We walked over to the couch and sat down.

“Mom, what do you want?” I questioned putting the blanket over Talia.

“Can I come and visit my daughter?” She said looking at me. I rolled my eyes.

“Maybe, maybe not. Now i’m being for real ma’ what do you want?” I said feeling quite annoyed.

“Um…Can I borrow some money?” She said looking down. I looked at her like she was crazy. Like is she for real? My mom is married to one of the richest man’s in San Diego. And she has her own company.

“What happened to Crisco ma?” I asked lifting my hair to the side.

“He’s um, in Texas for a week.” I rolled my eyes and hopped off the couch. I walked into my room and pulled out 50 dollars from my wallet. I closed it back and walked back into the living room. I walked over to her and sat it down beside. I sat back down next to sleeping Amour.

“Why can’t you just be like your brother?” That what she just said pissed me off. She’s always trying to compare me to my brother Anthony.

“Ma. Your really pissing me off right now. Every time we talk you always gotta compare me to him and i’m sick of it. Yea, I know he’s the good child and I gotta be accepted in as the bad child.”

“I’m not comparing you to anyone sweetie. I’m just defeating the purpose.” She replied getting off the other couch.

“What purpose? And yea leave. Run out on things like you always go.”

“We will talk about this later.” She said picking her purse up.

“There will be no talk later. I’m moving and it’s the last night you gonna see us.” I said closing the door in her face.

I locked the door and walked back over to the couch. I picked up Talia and we walked in my room. I lifted the covers back and layed her down, I layed down beside her and pulled the covers over us as I drifted off to sleep.


- Destiny -

I woke up to see Amour not beside me. I looked confused because sometimes when she sleep with me she never move until I wake up. I shrugged and did my daily routine. I put on my black shorts, blue supras dog bone shoes, Blue puffy shirt, “Cool Story Bro Please Tell It Again” Phone case, Red and black bracelet, and a red hair net.

(Pic On The Side >>>!)

I walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes and eggs. I walked in the kitchen to see Amour eating and Jacob fixing a plate. I leaned on the door.

“How the hell did you get here?” I asked confused and yet smiling.

“You texted me to come remember?” He said freshening my memory.

“I Did? Mhm..So how long you been up?” I asked taking my plate from him and sitting next to Amour.

“3 hours. When Amour woke up I bath her, and put on her favorite outfit.” He said pointing to what she had on. I smirked, because even though he is a boy she sure do know how to dress a girl up.

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