2 Years Later...

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[ This is going to be like 2 years later because I have some really good ideas. So, I’mma try to make it long since I’m tired and it’s like 2:15 in the morning. Enjoy ! ]

- Destiny -

2 years have passed so Damn quick. Amour is 6 years old and in 1st grade. If your still wondering about Jacob and Diggy.? Well, turned Diggy got the bîtch who he cheated on my with pregnant. So, I couldn’t take it no more so I dumped him. On another note, Jacob whereee together! I know y’all little nigglets are like “Damn Girl Finally”. Put I trust him with my heart and giving him a chance. Any-*****, I was in Amour’s room helping her find her cloths to wear to school.

Amour: Ma, how about that dress you bought me.?

Destiny: The pink one with the blue leggings?

Amour: Yea .

I Grabbed her pink dress and black leggings, and white flats and gave it to her. After, she got done dressing I decided to striating her hair. *

Amour: Ma, can I ask you a question?

Destiny: Yea, sure what is it?

Amour: Are you and Daddy getting married?

Destiny: Shrugs One-day..

I Unplugged the flare-iron and sprayed oil sheen in her hair. *

Destiny: Ready to go?

Amour: Yes ma’am .

She grabbed her lunch box and her blue diamond backpack. I grabbed my keys off the night stand and we walked out the house and hopped inside the car. I buckled my seatbelt as she did the same. I started the car and sped down the street *

Amour: Mama, are you coming to pick me up from after-school?

Destiny: Daddy’s gone come and pick you up. I gotta go pick up Auntie Jeniya.

Amour:…Ah Ok.

I Pulled up at the school and kissed Amour on her cheeck we said out goodbyes and I pulled off… *


- Jeniya -

Jeniya:Selena, bring yo ăss on, you walk like a Damn snail

I said while buckling up Aaliyah and Rosa'Lia. *

Selena: I’m coming Mama.

Picked her up and but her inside her carseat. I buckled her up and hopped in the front. I buckled my seatbelt and sped down the road. *

- 3 Hours Later -

I pulled up at Destiny’s house, Damn this bîtches famous or some? I thought as I opened my door. I grabbed my luggages and the kids and put it at her doorstep. I went back to get them. I locked the door and we walked up to the door. I knocked on it and couple seconds later Destiny answered it smiling.

Destiny&Jeniya: Baby!!!

Destiny: Ah, I missed you boo. (Hugs me)

Jeniya: I miss you to my lil Hoee.

Destiny: Real funny Oreo. Hey, my beautiful little neices.

Selena&Aaliyah&Rosa'Lia: Hey Auntie. (Walks In)

Destiny grabbed the kids bag, and I grabbed mine. We walked up to the guest rooms, I had my own and the girls will be sleeping in Amour’s room. After I Settled in, I walked downstairs and sat on Destiny’s lap *

Destiny: Oooh….Niya! Yo áss is getting heavy. Smiles

Niya: fuçk you to then niggah. Gets up and sits beside her

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