°Only Darkness°

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     ☆Heyy army😘,THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE 1 K READS,THE VOTES AND THE COMMENTS,LOVE YOU ALL!😍😘❤I really work hard for my story,is my own imagination and Im glad I can show this to all.VKOOK IS LIFE.


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     Jungkook P.O.V

    I was still with my knees on the floor,I can't believe this....is a nightmare?I watched how my blood travel my hand,my ckeek hurts so bad...but most painful,my heart...
  Jimin was sit on the bed like a statue with a shocked expression after all "I didn't...I didn't know will turn this bad..."
   I couldn't control myself so I shouted at him"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?WHY YOU DID THAT TO ME?!NOW YOU WILL FUCK ME,RIGHT?I'LL NOT LET YOU!"I use my power that I have to put my clothes and leave very fast,giving him a death glare.
  "L-look,I just wanted to make you moan for Taehyung to hear you and be angry,to not love you anymore.I LOVE YOU MORE,JUNGKOOK!"
"I wanted to eliminate Taehyung from your life to love me...Im sorry he hit you!"He really think that I'll love him after all he did?Is wrong.
   "WELL I DON'T LOVE Y-YOU,ONLY T-TAEHYUNG,AND N-NOW IS G-GONE,HE DON'T W-WANT TO SEE MY DISGUSTING FACE E-EVER,HE T-THINK I-I USE HIM,T-THAT I-IM A FUCKING SLUT!!"All his words were printed in my head,I'll never forgot them,Im still trembling,I lost all I had...

   "I HAD TRUST IN YOU,IS MY FAULT,I-IM REALLY A TRASH"I never been so depressed and mad at myself,I lost my last sunshine in this life....
  "Hey,don't say that!You're not a trash"he was coming closer to me,I didn't want that.
  "J-just...l-leave me alone...f-forever,we're not friends anymore from now on"he looked at me with teary eyes.
  I put my clothes on and leave immediately,slamming the door that cause a loud sound.I walked one hour on the streets and finally I arrived home safely.
   I run fast to my room and put my head deep into the pillow,crying hard.My heart was broken in pieces,I didn't think will hurt this bad...I can't stop my tears from falling down,depression hit me strong this time.
   My thoughts were filled with only negative ideas about me that were true.Im disgusting for him now,he hate me,is all my fault,I hurt him too...Im glad he hit me,I deserve that,why I still live yet?Everyone was right,I should suicide 5 years ago when my parents died because of me,now that I live I hurt the most special person in my life...
   After one hour of crying,I stopped and accept the reality,I was blind by happiness,this doesn't exist for me,I knew it...I'll not show my face to him or anyone else...
    I leaned my hand under the bad to take my box and I unlocked that.I take my journal and place it in my lap,starting to write.

     After I finish writing I felt a cold space in my heart,I have nothing now

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     After I finish writing I felt a cold space in my heart,I have nothing now...I remembered about the heart-shaped pendant that Taehyung gave me in that day.This just aggravate my situation,I hold it tight in my hand and look at it with teary eyes,cold drops touching slowly my hand and the little object.Why you give this to an idiot like me, Taehyung?I don't deserve your love anymore...
  This,this necklace doesn't mean something now!He gave me this to feel better,but he don't exist in my life anymore...You will be dissapointed if you hear that a trash like me still wear it after all I did...I can't keep this!
   Suddently I hate myself and all the love that Taehyung gaved me,I threw the pendant harshly on the wall,making it to break in many pieces,just like my heart...
   My body was trembling hard again,depression take all of me,I wasn't me now,I don't know who I am....
   I take the razor from my box and starting to cut my left arm,I saw only blood in front of my eyes that have fallen on my journal's page and blanket.I felt relieved when the pain engulfed me,surely I deserve this,from now on I'll torture myself until....I will dissapear from this world forever.



                      After 3 days

  Taehyung P.O.V

  I can't believe what was happening,after that day when I caught Jungkook ,he didn't come to University.I was bad and said I wanted to not see his face in my view anymore,but I didn't mean to not go to school...
    Cold shivers traveled all my body when I thinking about what I did,I said very hurtful words to him.Im such an idiot...I EVEN PUNCH HIM IN HIS ANGELIC FACE THAT I LOVE SO MUCH.
    Maybe he cheat on me but now I felt very guilty that I didn't even let him explain.I want to hear from his mouth that he doesn't love me anymore,their moment was obvious but a part of me tell me that I did a big mistake.
   I still love him after all he did,I can't erase that moment from my head.Anger took control of me again in that day,but in a full mode....
   Im very confused right now,I don't know what to think anymore,my head said to hate him and my heart want him back in my life.I need to give him a chance,after all I only want to hear the sad truth,not intrerrupting his words again.I'll never forget myself for what I did to him,it was too much...
  What if something happen to him?He really will not appear in my face anymore?Because of me now he didn't go to school,now Im surely I need to go to his house to find what is the problem and talk with him,even if he broke my heart!
  I started to get my phone out of my pocket and call him instantly.After 30 minutes of continuously calling he don't answered....I started to panick myself,I think he hate me too now.

   My lower lip started to shaking hard and my eyes become teary,I WAS DEVASTATED

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   My lower lip started to shaking hard and my eyes become teary,I WAS DEVASTATED.In one second I get up from my bed and take the car keys,I need to really see him!
   After I arrived at his home I knocked hard with my fist on the door,desperate to see him and I shouted "JUNGKOOK,YOU'RE HOME?!P-PLEASE L-LISTEN TO M-ME...I,I N-NEED TO TALK W-WITH YOU!PL-PLEASE....J-JUST...L-ET M-ME...E-ENTER..."My head touched the door and the hand gave up,I waited...and I waited...but he doesn't answered...




     My heart started to beat more faster,he...he wasn't home...



     ▪I hope you like my new chapter,the next ones will be really interesting.Love you army~ ♡♡♡


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