°Final Part~The End°

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                    Time passed

  Taehyung P.O.V
  I can't believe that is already Jungkook's Birthday,he turn 19 years,Im so happy that I can celebrate for the first time with him,he will not be alone like everytime.
   This day will change his life forever because I prepared something special for him to never forgot,that's my best wish,to love it.
  It took me a lot of time but I don't mind because Jungkook will feel like in heaven later.
  The math period was over,after all students left I glanced to Jungkook and smile proudly "Sit in my lap,baby"I said making a signal to my tighs,he only nodded shyly.

   I played with his hair,looking deep into his eyes"Happy Birthday again,Jungkook"
  "Why are you so happy?Is just a Birthday, a normal day"he said with a sad tone,like he didn't except something.
  I pressed my index finger to his soft lips "Shh,don't be stupid,is important,it mark the day when you born,and Im glad this time you celebrate with me"
  "But Taehyung...Im used to hate this day,nothing can change that"
  "I know what you've been throught so forget the past,and after all..."I said biting my lower lip and whispering in his ear "I prepared something special for you"
  Jungkook give me a shocked expression and look away "You don't need to work hard for me,is enough t-that...you're here with me,that matter"
    Aww,he's too precious and fragile,how not to love him?I'll regain his trust in himself,to not hate his Birthday anymore"Of course,but is not bad that I want to be everything perfect,for you"I said smiling and squeezing his thigs,making him moan softly.
  I cupped his cheek with my hand,looking at him with lust "Don't turn me on,baby,I can't control when it comes to you"

   Jungkook blushed hard,hugging me with his face deep into my neck to cover himself from embarrassement. I love his warmth,it become addicting from the first time I met him.
  "My cute bunny"I said laughing,rubbing his back with my fingers,gently,he looked at me innocent and then kiss my cheek.

   "Okey,I talk serious,let's go already,move your sexy ass"I said impatiently because I could feel the bulge from my pants that become painful.

   Jungkook nodded shyly and get up from my lap,the periods are over so we can go home together.
  After we arrived home we go to our room,I open the closet,searching for clothes,while Jungkook just lay comfortable on the bed "Baby,let's chose some beautiful clothes for you because we will go to a restaurant"

   "What?!Tae...it was good only to be together,you don't need to do that,I feel bad..."he said sadly with a bit of anger.
  "You can't do anything now,I already programmed the meeting there and I can't accept a refuse anyway"I said sternly.
   He sigh and nodded "Okey...I'll accept it for you" Is not like you have to chose though.

   "Yes!I find something perfect for you,try them"I give him the clothes,waiting for him to change in the bathroom.
  Jungkook blushed hard and run fast from my view with the clothes that I gave him "FINE"he said angryly but cutely,making me giggle devilish.

   I was waiting for him on the bed,curious by his new style,I never saw him in sophisticated clothes.After few minutes he finished to change,I swear I couldn't recognise him for a moment.

After few minutes he finished to change,I swear I couldn't recognise him for a moment

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