Exhausted 😪

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I hope you enjoy!!


~Zach's Pov~

"ZACH! GET UP LETS GO!" Jonah was yelling at me already.

"Hey man calm down, he's just tired we all are."Jack spoke softly

I felt a warm hand on my back slowly rubbing circles

Daniel sighed and said "Bud we gotta go, we have a few interviews today and we gotta get back on the road"

I groaned and rolled over in the opposite direction of Daniel. Only to my luck falling flat on the ground.

My head was pounding amd the boys kept nagging at me to get up.

"Okay, okay im up" I stood up and rolled my eyes.

I had 5 minutes until we had to leave and i couldn't find my left shoe.


He ran in the room

"Whats wrong?!"

"I cant find the other shoe to the ones you said I should i wear, so could you choose a different pair?"

He told me to put on my vans and to hurry.

My head was aching and I was frantically trying to get out of the house and in the car.

I was rubbing the back of my head in pain while jogging to the car when i tripped and what do you know, I dropped my phone and the fucking screen broke. Not to mention how tired I was from all the running around we had to do.

Dont get me wrong I love the fans but I need a minute to breathe here and there.

Daniel fell asleep on the car ride to the first interview which was t a surprise since we were out until 3 am until we finally found our hotel room.

Jonah lightly woke him up.

"Oh, but you couldn't wake me up like that"

"Zay im sorry, I'm tired and grumpy and I needed coffee"

I chuckled and got out of the car following everyone in the tall building.

The interviewer asked so many questions and we all answered them carefully, begging that none of us exposed each other.
(Im sorry i had to😂💀)

We left and went to the next one which was almost the exact same.

"Im hungry" Daniel whined

"Yea lets get food" Corbyn joined in

"Im down" Jack stated

Jonah nodded and we went to the nearest place to get food.

We ended up going to taco bell and I was so hype!

We all ordered and got back in the car.

I barely took two bites when Jonah hit a bump and i dropped it all over myself.

Could this day get any worse?

Jack took off his sweatshirt and gave it to me so I could take off my now messy shirt.

We went to another long interview, this time there was puppies!!!

I couldnt wait to hold one.

Once we finally got to hold them, mine bit me.


"Whats wrong" Jack asked

"He bit me"

"Aw let me see"

I showed him my slightly bleeding finger and they brought over a bandage which he wrapped around it.

"Thanks noodles"

"Of course Zay"

We had one more interview before we  could go get rest, so we all piled in the car and drove off. I just needed sleep so this throbbing sensation in my head wouldn't go away. This tour was so stressful, our schedule was packed .We had all started to get on each other's nerves with our Grumpiness, but didn't take it to heart because we were all sleep deprived.

We finally got there after what seemed like Forever!

My eyes were watering from me trying to hold them open.

The interviewer started asking questions and I laid my head on Jack's shoulder. He was always the one I was the closest with, so this didn't feel any different from those nights he would rub my back, calming me down after I had a bad dream, or these long days he would take care of me and cuddle with me when I was sick.

My eyes got heavier, and heavier.

~Jack's POV~

I looked down to see Zach's eyes closed.

"Zach", I whispered.

He was sleeping.

I had enough, I loved the fans, but we were all exhausted. It was bringing down our moods!  Zach was falling asleep during Interviews, I've never seen the energy drained from this boy until now.

"I'm so sorry, but we have to reschedule this, we are all super tired, and haven't been able to take care of ourselves in a long time. Please forgive us, and if you want we could come back tomorrow, after a long day of sleep? Once again im very sorry, come on boys"

All the boys stood up, and I went to pick zach up and carry him before the interviewer started talking.

"I completely understand, of course we can reschedule."

I smiled and continued picking Zach up and carrying him to the car.

In the car Zach was sitting on my lap and his head against my chest sleeping.

I was so lost in my thoughts about how beautiful this boy was, until Corbyn snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"So, when are you gonna tell him?"

"Tell him what?"

"That you love him dummy!"

"Im not ready to tell him."

Daniel gasped air and said...


"You have to tell him" Jonah butted in!

Zach opened his eyes and tugged on my shirt lightly. He was awake.

"I love you Jack" He said softly and Kissing my lips leaving me want more.

"Zach will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course noodles"

I kissed him again before smiling

"That name's gotta stop'

" Not gonna happen "

I rolled my eyes amd the boys all laughed.

"Im so glad you guys are finally together' Corbyn blurted out

" Yea its about damn time Jachary was confirmed, I was going crazy" Jonah says dramatically and we all laugh.


This is for Infinity13Villain

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