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~Jonah's pov~

I was laying in bed like most days when i heard Daniel.

"i cant believe Y/N is getting married"

I shot up and out of bed. It's been 4 years since we broke up and she's still the only thing on my mind. I had to tell her before it was to late.

She was my everything. I didn't realize until after the stupid fight 4 years ago. If she was happier with him, I would deal with it but I needed to know.

I grabbed my key and ran to the car ignoring the boys questions.

when i pulled into her driveway i had no idea what i was gonna say, i just got out of the car and stopped looking at the house. everything about it reminded me of so many memories. Every kiss, every hug, every meal, every dance, every memory we shared came flooding back all at once.

I anxiously knocked on the door. she opened it. her hair perfectly in a bun. she was wearing sweatpants and then it hit me.

That same spiced fragrance that she always wore. The smell that always made feel at home.

"Jonah?" Her voice brought me back to reality, like it always has.

"Tell me you love him, tell me you love him more than me and than you ever loved me and that you feel nothing for me anymore. tell me everything we dreamed about having together isn't something you want anymore. tell me you don't love me anymore. tell me that and i'll go away and never come back. tell me and i'll let you be happy in peace." my voice already getting raw.

"Jonah..." She said softly With a sympathetic look on her face.

" Does he love you like i did? Like i do? Does he ask about your day every night because he can't sleep unless he knows you're okay? Does he do the little things to make you smile when you can't physically smile by yourself? Does he know that chocolate covered strawberries and Spongebob are the only thing that make you happy when youre on youre period? Does he know that you call your dad every other day at 3:48 on the dot to make sure he's okay? Does he know mint chocolate is your favorite ice cream but orange cream is a close second? Does he know that when you laugh you snort? Does he know you hate that? Does he look into your eyes and fall deeper in love every time? Does he know you want 3 kids? two boys and one girl, but the girl should be a middle child so she always has someone to protect her because you never did? Does he know you get panic attacks when your in small spaces, and that softly singing "say you won't let go" calms you? Does he know how to love you like i do?"

With every question i had stepped forward. we were touching at this point, staring in each others eyes.

"Jonah you need to leave" With those 5 words i could feel all the pain at once, every bone in my body stiffening making it hard to breathe.

"I need to tell Joshua,i can't marry him, I don't want you here when i do it. i will come by later and we can talk. i love you jonah. I can't love him like i love you."

As those words let her mouth i could feel my heart being put back together again.

I couldn't stop smiling as i left

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