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               Picture I drew of Brightheart.                                                                  

Scourge's pov

Scourge woke up, gasping in pain.  He tasted blood in his mouth, and coughed.  His spittle came out red.  Scourge was confused, the last thing he remembered was being surrounded by starry cats. 

  Star Clan, I had thought they were just a myth,  thought Scourge. 

 He looked around, and saw Bone lying on the ground, just three taillenghts away.

  No! thought Scourge.  

He cant't be dead!   But he could smell the death scent rolling off him, and his suspicions were confirmed. 

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" yowled Scourge.  

He sat there in anguish, and wondered why Star Clan could be so cruel to him.  He wondered if his mate, Bloodbird was still alive.  He hoped she had escaped, but he doubted it.  

"Bloodbird, Bloodbird!  Please, if your alive answer me!" yowled Scourge.  

He knew he was acting weak, but he wanted to find Bloodbird.  He tried to get up, but he collapsed and almost passed out.  He heard a gasp behind him, and he turned his head.  He saw a young gray she cat with blue eyes limping towards him.  He noticed that she had a twisted up leg and a look of determination in her eyes.  He hissed,

"I would not come a step closer, if I were you!  If you come any closer I will rip out you'r throat!"

The she cat looked at him with an exasperated expression.

"I don't think your in any sate to be making threats.  You look like a scrap of crow food." she meowed.

Scourge glared at her.  He should not be spoken to like that!

"I am Scourge!  Fear me!" He yowled.

The she cat took a couple of steps back.  "What?  But, but your supposed to be dead!  Star Clan must have been talking about you!" 

 That pleased him.  He saw the fear in her eyes, and lunged at her.  She side stepped him, and he drunkenly swung his paw at her.  He started to feel lightheaded and the last thing he saw was her intense blue eyes.  


                                                                Cinderpelt's pov

"Firestar, I can't just let him die, again!"meowed Cinderpelt.

"Yes, I know, but how could you have brought him back to camp?!  You know he killed me once, don't you?" mewed Firestar.

Cinderpelt sat, listening to the words that Firestar was speaking.  She knew it was a bad idea to bring him to camp, but she had to!  StarClan had told her to.

"Firestar, for the last time!  StarClan has told me to!  I can't ignore a direct order from StarClan!" meowed Cinderpelt.  

Why did they always question StarClan's orders?  Cinderpelt walked back to her den where Scourge was curled up, sleeping peacefully.  She was worried about him.  He had been here for almost two days, and had only woken up briefly, barely in consciousness, to eat and drink.  She walked over to the ledge where she kept her herbs and wedged herself into it, and pulled out the marigold.  Cinderpelt limped over to where Scourge was, and scraped off the old marigold pulp, chewed up more and smeared it on his wounds.  Scourge stirred as she worked.  When she was finished, she went out of her den and out of the main entrance of the camp.  She was going to gather more herbs, and was half-way out of the main entrance when she heard a cat run up to her.

"Cinderpelt, Firestar wants me to go with you in case there are still more Blood Clan cats in the forest." meowed Sandstorm.

"Okay Sandstorm.  We are going to go to River Clan territory, and ask if we can see Mudfur so we can ask him if we can have some catmint, my stores are running low, and my plant was frostbitten this Leafbare so we can't get any from our territory." Cinderpelt meowed matter of factly.

"What!  Are you mousebrained?!" exclaimed Sandstorm.  "We can't go there!  We'd get our pelts clawed off!"

"You are acting like an apprentice, Sandstorm!  Greencough season is coming, and you'd risk the life of kits,elders, and queens, just because a recent battle has made us weary of them?" Cinderpelt hissed.

"Well,when you put it that way, I guess I'm not." mewed Sandstorm, as she hung her head, and her tail dragged in the dust, actually looking like a told off apprentice.               

They walked in silence until they got to the River Clan border.  They crossed it and not long after they were met by a River Clan patrol.

"You have no right to be here!" hissed one of the River Clan patrol cats.

"I am Cinderpelt, medicine cat of Thunder Clan.  I would like to see Mudfur, and the warrior code says that you can not attack a medicine cat and their warrior escort!" Cinderpelt meowed.

"Welcome, Cinderpelt and Sandstorm, I shall escort you to the River Clan camp, and there you will be able to talk to Mudfur.  Stormfur, you should know better!  You can't just say that when you know Cinderpelt is a medicine cat!" replied Mistyfoot, the River Clan deputy.

As they neared the River Clan camp, Cinderpelt's leg started to ache.  She knew she had to pull through though.  The lives of her clanmates were  depending on her!  They went through the tunnel that led into the River Clan camp, and heard angry hisses from cats.

"Cinderpelt and Sandstorm!  What is your business here?" Leopardstar, the River Clan leader hissed.

"We are here to talk to your medicine cat, Mudfur.  Medicine cat duties." Cinderpelt replied curtly.

"Fine, make it quick." growled Leopardstar.

They walked into Mudfur's den, and asked him if they could have some catmint, for greencough season was coming.  He let them have some.  He gave them so much!  So much more than they were expecting, a large mouthful each, and a bundle of catmint wrapped in a large leaf for them each, which they picked up with their tails.

"Thank you Mudfur.  Any time you need some herbs, just ask." meowed Cinderpelt, around her mouthful of catmint, as they made their way out of the camp.

 Their escorts left them when they reached the Thunder Clan border.  They walked back to the camp, and Cinderpelt went and put the catmint in the way back of her herb storage crevice.  She great fully sank down into her nest, and slid off to sleep.


Hey readers!

Please vote and comment.  It really gives me motivation to know people like my story!  Have a good transition to spring from winter!

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