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Med cat top, her name is Fernfeather, and the one on the bottom is her apprentice Frostpaw.  They are the healers of FeatherClan.                                                                              

Scourgefang's P.O.V.

As Scourgefang walked along with Cinderpelt, he could feel his anxiety levels rising.  They were almost to Fourtrees, and Scourgefang thought that the cats there would not like him.  He deserved it, he knew that, but what if he couldn't control his reaction?  He did not like the thought of that.

  Cinderpelt put her tail reassuringly on his shoulder, and gazed at him with a look so deep, Scourgefang thought he would melt like the snow in Newleaf. 

 He carried his collar in his mouth, a symbol that he was now a ThunderClan cat.  He would bury it in front of the large stone in the center of Fourtrees, and declare that he would never go back to the old ways he had practiced as a BloodClan leader.  He just wished that he was bigger, all those large warriors were sure to intimidate him.  Even though he had not been scared when he was leader of BloodClan, he sure was now.

"It will be okay Scourgefang, I promise." Cinderpelt meowed.

Scourgefang looked at her.  He just wished she could be his, right now!  He purred at her reassuring look.

"Thank you Cinderpelt." Mewed Scourgefang happily.

"We are here.  Everyone surround Scourgefang so they don't attack him." Graystripe meowed.

Suddenly, the whole clan reluctantly surrounded him.  His closest friends were on the outside of the circle, in case the other cats of ThunderClan just let the other clans through.  They walked into the clearing of Fourtrees, and a chorus of hisses and growls echoed through the other three clans.

"I don't recall ThunderClan ever taking in bloodthirsty villains into their clan, but I guess that even they were that low." One of the leaders on the rock hissed.

"That's Blackstar, leader of ShadowClan.  He gets mad easily." Cinderpelt meowed to Scourgefang in a low voice.

The leader of ShadowClan jumped off of the rock, and stalked over to Graystripe.  He looked around with a confused sort of look on his face.  He opened his jaws, and said something very insulting,

"You couldn't even look after your precious Firestar?  Should I call you Graystar now?  Did Scourge kill him?" 

Scourgefang could see Graystripe was struggling with his emotions, and leapt out of the protective circle.

"I did not kill Firestar.  He has gone on a journey that has been assigned to him by StarClan.  And if I would have killed him, do you think I would be standing here?  I would have been exiled like Tigerclaw.  I refuse to say his proper name, after what he did to Cinderpelt, Bluestar and his original clan.  Besides, my name is Scourgefang!" Scourgefang meowed in a clam voice.

Meows of surprise rippled from the crowd of cats.  They were all looking at him in shock.  

I bet they did not expect me to say that. Scourgefang thought.

"He is lying!  He doesn't think any good thoughts.  I bet he has taken over ThunderClan!" Yowled Blackstar.

"I am not.  I know that I deserve this, and I wish I could bring back the ones that my clan has taken from you.  And if you look at the clan I am standing beside, you will see that everycat is accounted for.  I didn't kill any others, other than the ones I have killed in my reign of terror." Scourgefang meowed, defending himself.

Warriors: Scourge and CinderpeltWhere stories live. Discover now