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Here is the almost finished picture of Cinderpelt falling into the river! Hope ya like, and do not forget to comment and vote! I will be requesting ideas for the next chapter this chapter, so please, give me some ideas, and the one I choose will have the chapter dedicated to them. The idea of the chemicals being injected, and powers was solely an idea I got off of Eucalyptus Splash. She is a great Youtuber, you should check out her work.


Bloodbird's P.O.V.

Shaking, she stood up, and looked around, a foggy haze covering her vision. She looked at the nest her daughter was in, and saw that she too had awoken. A grin spread across Bloodbird's face. The transformation had worked, and it hadn't backfired! Raven looked up, and Bloodbird saw that Raven's eyes were no longer their dark pine green, but a neon blue.

"Bl-Bloodbird! Your eyes aren't green anymore, their red!" Exclaimed Raven.

"Exactly. Now, now we are invincible! We have the powers that the forest cats won't be able to match! Now, Blood, I would like you to go find that forest cat who gave us information about Scourge. We are going to change him!"


"Onyxpaw, today is your warrior assessment, so do your best! Bring me back a rabbit! And remember, I'll be watching you the whole time!" Birdflight hissed excitedly.

"Okay." Onyxpaw meowed.

She knew getting a rabbit would be easy. With her powers, she could have one run right into her claws, but she wanted to actually hunt it this time. She knew she would find more by the WindClan border, so she turned towards where the moor winds were blowing into the trees. She ran to the border, and almost immediately she heard rabbits chattering in their small voices.

Rabbits are so loud, I can pinpoint their exact location. Onyxpaw scoffed in her mind.

She scented them, and crept forward quietly. Her tail was straight, and slid across the grass like water slid off of her fur. The rabbit was chattering loudly, chatting nonsense, but to any other cats ears, it would have sounded like it was softly snuffling. Onyxpaw slid her claws out of their sheaths, ever so slowly, and growled softly. Onyxpaw quickly realized her mistake as the rabbit perked it's huge ears, and looked over in her direction.

"Come to me little rabbit, come to me..." Onyxpaw whispered.

The rabbit took a tentative step forward, and then another, and then another. It finally started over to Onyxpaw's general direction. Onyxpaw prepared herself, and pounced at the rabbit. She landed on top of the rabbit, and bit down on it's neck. The rabbit stopped struggling after she snapped it's spine, and went limp. Onyxpaw buried it in the sand, and went to find another. She did, and caught it with success. Onyxpaw dragged the rabbit back to where she had buried the other rabbit, and found Birdflight sitting there.

"I see you got more than one rabbit. I am proud of you." Birdflight meowed.

"Thank you Birdflight." Onyxpaw meowed.

"I'll help you take these back to camp. Your sister and brother should be waiting for you there." Birdflight meowed.

"Wait, they got their assessment done already?" Asked Onyxpaw.

"Yes, you were so focused, I just couldn't interrupt your hunt." Birdflight meowed.

"Okay." Onyxpaw replied, and dug up the rabbit, and they went back to camp.

When they got back, they put their prey on the freshkill pile. Firestar came out of his den, and looked at Onyxpaw, and nodded his head. He leapt onto High Rock, and yowled,

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey join under High Rock for a clan meeting!"

All the cats of the clan gathered under the High Rock, and looked up at Firestar.

"I have come to notice that we have three apprentices ready to be made into warriors. Onyxpaw, Ashpaw, and Ravenpaw, please come onto High Rock." Firestar meowed.

All three of them came up onto High Rock.

"Ashpaw, I have heard from your mentor Brightheart that you have been a good apprentice. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and serve and protect your clan until your dying breath?" Asked Firestar.

"I do." Ashpaw meowed loudly.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I name you Ashbark." Firestar meowed.

"Ashbark, Ashbark, Ashbark!" The clan yowled.

Onyxpaw noticed Longtail wasn't celebrating.

"Ravenpaw, I have heard from your mentor Lizardpelt that you have been a good apprentice. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect and serve your clan until you join StarClan?" Asked Firestar.

"Yes! I would do anything for my clan!" Yowled Ravenpaw.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I name you Raventooth!" Yowled Firestar.

"Raventooth, Raventooth, Raventooth!" The clan yowled.

Again, Onyxpaw noticed that Longtail wasn't celebrating. Onyxpaw knew it was her turn to become a warrior, so she stepped up to the head of High Rock, and faced Firestar. Her pelt was bristling with excitement.

"Onyxpaw, I have heard from your mentor Birdflight that you have been a good apprentice. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and serve and protect your clan until you join StarClan?" Asked Firestar.

"Of course!" Onyxpaw meowed, her head held high.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I name you Onyxshard!" Firestar yowled.

"Onyxshard, Onyxshard, Onyxshard!" The clan yowled.

Longtail still wasn't celebrating. Onyxshard, Ashbark, and Raventooth leapt off of High Rock, and they were met by Cinderpelt, Spottedbranch, and Scourgefang.

"I am so proud of you three!" Cinderpelt meowed proudly.

Scourgefang was about to say something, but he was interrupted by Longtail.

"I am glad I am not halfclan. I am also glad my mother isn't a mangy medicine cat!" He hissed, and poked Cinderpelt in the side with his paw.

"You stay away from my mother!" Growled Onyxshard.

"I could care less what you want! I think it's time for you and your siblings to go take vigil. Ba bye." He hissed, and strutted away.

Onyxshard went to go talk to Firestar.

"Firestar, I need to talk to you." Onyxshard meowed.

Knowingness flashed through Firestar's eyes.

"I'm sorry, but you and your siblings can't talk until morning. You can talk to me in the morning." Firestar meowed, and walked to his den.

Onyxshard sat down with despair in her belly, and watched the entrance to camp.

Warriors: Scourge and CinderpeltWhere stories live. Discover now