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Here is a picture I drew of Wingstar, leader of FeatherClan, and she is a made up character that yours truly made up.                                                                               

Cinderpelt's p.o.v.

"Come on, you can do it!" Cinderpelt mrowed in amusement, as a little kit who had had a thorn in its paw hobbled around on it's little leaf cast.

The kit's mother, Ferncloud, had panicked and had Cinderpelt give it a little leaf cast.  She had come to Cinderpelt herself, and had her bring her supply's to the nursery because she did not want her kit to be around Scourge, because she thought he could rip out her kit's throat at any moment.  Cinderpelt sighed.  They did not understand that he was in no shape to walk, let alone rip out a kit's throat.  He wasn't even awake for Star Clans sake!  Cinderpelt walked out of the nursery, and screwed her eyes against the glaring sun.

It's Sunhigh already?  Cinderpelt thought.  Ferncloud must have kept me in there for a very long time! 

Cinderpelt was miffed!  A whole morning wasted because Ferncloud had wanted her to bring her supplies into the nursery.  It had taken a little while, limping back and forth to her den and to the nursery.  She had asked for help, but Ferncloud wanted to stay with her kit.

"Cinderpelt!" called Firestar, "I would like to see you in my den for a moment."

"Okay, Firestar," meowed Cinderpelt.

She angled herself towards Firestar's den, and started over to it.  When she reached the den, she pushed aside the screen of lichen and went in.

"Cinderpelt, quite frankly, I have to ask you something.  What did Star Clan ask you to do?  Why did you bring Scourge back to camp?" Firestar meowed.

"I had a dream after the battle, and Bluestar told me to go out and find the cat whom they had risen again.  She did not tell me who, just that he would be near the center of the battlefield.  I checked every body and they were all dead.  Except for Scourge." replied Cinderpelt.

"Well, okay, but how do you know that they were talking about Scourge, I mean, they could have been talking about any other cat!"Firestar meowed skeptically.

"Firestar!  He was near the center of the battlefield, he was a tom, and when I thought he was the one, I heard Bluestar's voice saying, "He is the one!  Be careful around him."  So I think that might be why I brought him back to camp." mewed Cinderpelt softly, fearing Firestar might kick him out of camp.

"Fine!  He can stay in camp, but as a prisoner." Firestar meowed curtly.


                                                                     Scourge's p.o.v.

Where am I? thought Scourge.

  He thought he smelled Thunder Clan scent, but he was not sure.  He was then aware of a burning pain all over his body, but not as worse as when he woke up on the battlefield.  He smelled the scent of an herb on his wounds, and looked around.  He saw the same young gray she-cat with blue eyes just like when he woke for the first time.  Scourge tried to stand up, but staggered and was caught by the she-cat.  He noticed that she too staggered at the burden of his weight.  He remembered that she must have broken her leg and it had never healed right.

"Who...... are... yo- you?" Scourge's voice rasped from lack of use.

"I am Cinderpelt, medicine cat of Thunder Clan, and I am the one who healed you.  Well, at least to some extent." the she cat replied guardedly.

Warriors: Scourge and CinderpeltWhere stories live. Discover now