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Hawkfrost and Hollyleaf, people.  They are like, the best!

Longtail's P.O.V.

When are they going to get here?  I thought they said they would come in a couple of moons time, when they least expect it, but kittypets are kittypets. Longtail thought.

He looked around the camp in disgust, knowing they had Scourge in their midst.  He saw Scourge's kits with Cinderpelt, and wanted to kill them, for they were the spawn of that awful monster.  He thought of when BloodClan would attack, and relished in the fact that Scourge would be taken back to his own clan.  He thought back to the day when the agreement was made.

Flashback from when he was in twoleg place.

He followed Bloodbird into the twoleg building cautiously.  First, he didn't like the idea that they were going into something built by twolegs, and second, he didn't like the smell of kittypets.  He heard some hisses, but they were soon stopped by Bloodbird's reproachful growl.

"This way forest cat," Meowed Bloodbird.

"I have a name you know." Longtail growled.

"Oh, I didn't here you say it, what is it?" Asked Bloodbird.


"Nice name." Bloodbird chortled.

"This name was given to me by Bluestar, so don't you dare make fun of it!" Hissed Longtail.

"Peace.  I have done nothing of the sort." Bloodbird replied.
                                                Longtail trotted behind her, and Blood trotted behind him.  He didn't like it here, not one bit.  It made him uneasy, being enclosed like this, knowing that the only exits were a select few, and they could be closed off by twoleg rubbish.  They went up a strange structure, like a rock pile, but it was covered in this soft moss type material.  It was colorful, and it was easier to get traction on.  He dug in his claws, and jumped every step. (You guessed it, they are stairs.)

"Where are we going?" Asked Longtail, who was panting.

"Why, up there of course!" Replied Bloodbird, pointing her tail to an enclosed space in the twoleg building.

                                           They got up the twoleg contraptions, and Longtail heard a squeaking sound.  The unopened door to the building opened, and a twoleg walked through!  Longtail backed away, and pressed himself up against the wall.  The twoleg grabbed something out of the building, and walked out, and closed the door.

"How do you manage with twolegs coming into your clan territory?" Asked Longtail.

"We can't stop them, they are everywhere." Bloodbird meowed. 

"Why do you live in the twoleg place then?" Asked Longtail, and then instantly regretted it.

"We did try to get some land from you forest cats, but then again, you wouldn't let us have it.  You said you had some information about Scourge?" 

"Yes.  He is alive and well, and is living in ThunderClan as we speak." Longtail meowed.

"He is?!" Asked Bloodbird excitedly.

"Yes.  I think he has gone sweet on that medicine cat of ours." 

"He is?  When I see him next time, he will pay for what he has done!" Bloodbird growled.

"Would you like to see him soon?" Asked Longtail.

"Oh, I would love to see him soon.  Say we attack in a couple of moons time?" Asked Bloodbird.

"Yes.  How about two moons from now?" 

"Yes.  We already know where the ThunderClan camp is.  Blood escort this nice cat out.  I look forward to seeing you soon, Longtail."

As the memory faded, Longtail sighed.  He really wished they would come soon, and then they could be ridden of that piece of crowfood.  The kits of Scourge were crawling around beside their mother, and all he wanted to do was kill them.  Firestar came out of the den with his head held high, and he jumped onto High Rock.

"All cats who are old enough to catch their own prey gather under High Rock for a clan meeting!" Firestar yowled, "I have come to notice that there are four new kits in ThunderClan.  Scourgefang, Cinderpelt, will you please bring your kits in front of High Rock so they can be fully excepted into the clan?" Firestar asked.

Longtail wanted to gag.  Cinderpelt and Scourgefang brought their kits up to the High Rock, and told Firestar the names of them.

"Ravenkit, Ashkit, Spottedkit, and Onyxkit, you are now full fledged members of ThunderClan!" Firestar howled.

"Not anymore!" A voice growled loudly, and Bloodbird stepped into camp with blood on her paws.

Here we go! Longtail thought in excitement.


                                                   Scourgefang's P.O.V.

Scourgefang took a step back in surprise.  Bloodbird?  How could that be possible?

"Oh yes, I'm here to take my mate back.  I see he has had kits.  They shall be fine recruits for BloodClan.  Of course we will have to kill the one who bore them." She declared.

"No!" Scourgefang hissed.

Bloodbird seemed taken aback.  She soon recovered though.

"Look what you did to me!  I never wanted to kill any cat, and now, I am a crazed killer, just like you!" Bloodbird yowled, lunging for Cinderpelt.

"Stop!" Scourgefang yowled, and concentrated, and time stopped for most of the cats in the clearing.

He ran over to Cinderpelt and his kits, and positioned himself in front of them.  He braced himself, and resumed time.  Bloodbird resumed her lunge, and the cats in the clearing resumed staring in shock.  Bloodbird hit Scourgefang with enough force to make him stumble.  His small size was an advantage to this crazed attack, but he felt something scratch his neck, and he ignored it.  He leaped on top of her back and bit down hard, not stopping until he hit bone.  To his surprise, she fell to the ground, thrashing.   He slid his teeth out of the deep wound he had made, and stepped back.  Bloodbird looked up at him with such sadness and love, he almost gave in.  She drew in a breath and yowled.  A large swarm of about twelve BloodClan cats rushed into camp.

Oh no.  They killed Willowpelt! Scourgefang thought.

The poor she-cat had been on watch, and one of the BloodClan cats must have snuck up on her, and she hadn't been able to sound the alarm.  Scourgefang knew he had to stop time again, and he knew it would be mentally and physically taxing.  He once again concentrated, and stopped time.  He knew if he worked hard enough, he could reverse it, but he knew he would pass out from the stress it put on him. 

"You didn't know what you were getting yourself into did you?" Scourgefang asked empty air.

He walked to the BloodClan cats, and delivered wounds bad enough for them not to fight, but not bad enough for them to retreat.  He felt a pressure begin in his head, and he worked faster, ending with Bloodbird.  He released time, and felt himself fall to the ground.  He felt a growing pain on his neck, and felt sticky blood seeping from a wound he had not noticed.  The BloodClan cats were retreating, and he faintly heard Bloodbird yowl something, but he really didn't here what she said.  He faded into an inky blackness, just like in his prophecy dream.     

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