Dark Forest

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                                                            Cinderpelt's P.O.V.

"No!  No, Scourgefang, wake up, please!" Cinderpelt meowed heart brokenly.

"Mommy, is daddy going to be okay?" Squeaked Onyxkit, who came up to Cinderpelt.

"I don't know Onyxkit.  Brightheart, get me some doc, marigold, cobwebs, and poppy seeds.  NOW!" Cinderpelt roared, when Brightheart stood there for a second.

"Mommy, my paws hurt." Onyxkit complained.

Cinderpelt knew that Onyxkit's paws were bound to hurt, because her little paws weren't used to running for their lives, and so the skin on her pads had been rubbed very badly.  The doc was for her little kit's paws, and the marigold, poppy seeds, and cobwebs were for Scourgefang.

"Go and find your brother and sisters, they went hiding after that awful she-cat attacked the camp." (I just couldn't bring myself to lie about the attack and tell her that her brother and sisters were playing hide and seek.) Cinderpelt mewed.

 "Okay.  One day, when I'm big and strong like my father, I'm going to go after the one who tried to kill you, and almost killed father." Onyxkit mewed darkly, a sudden seriousness to her young face, and then scampered off.

"I brought you the things you needed." Brightheart meowed through the mouthful of herbs and cobwebs.

"Thank you Brightheart.  Please stay close in case I need help." Cinderpelt meowed.

Brightheart moved away, and curled up against the side of the camp wall.  Cloudtail came over, and licked each of the scars on the ravaged side of her face.  Cinderpelt sighed, and got to work.  She licked Scourgefang's wound clean, and often got blood in her mouth because it was still flowing.  She put a paw on the wound, applied some pressure, and got the marigold, and chewed it into a pulp.  She lifted her paw, and the blood had almost stopped flowing, but she knew he had lost a lot of blood.  She put the pulp on the wound, and wrapped the cobwebs tightly around his neck, but not so tightly that he couldn't breath, she shoved the poppy seeds down his throat so he wouldn't be in pain when he woke up.  She called her kits over, who had come out of hiding, and rubbed the dock onto their paws.  She leaned against High Rock, and knew all she could do was pray to StarClan, and wait.



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                                              Scourgefang's P.O.V.

I woke up without any pain?  That's a first. Scourgefang thought. 

He looked around at his surroundings, and wondered where he was.  No land in his forest looked like this, it was dark, and had a moldy smell, and the trees looked dead.

"I see you have made it here safely." A deep voice meowed.

Scourgefang whirled around, to face this new stranger.  As it turns out, it wasn't a stranger at all.  He was Bone!  Scourgefang growled, and circled him.

"Scourge?  Why do you do this?" Asked Bone in confusion.

"I don't know, maybe because you have killed many cats!" Scourgefang hissed.

"On your orders of course." Bone meowed, still in confusion.

"I know.  And I'm ashamed I did." Meowed Scourgefang.

Bone looked at him as if he had turned into an adder.  With horror, and rage.

"Scourge...?" Bone asked.

"Don't call me that." Scourgefang growled menacingly.

"Why?  Your name is Scourge."

"Not anymore.  My name is Scourgefang now!"

"Well, if you say so." Bone meowed.

Ugh, he is such a mousebrain! Thought Scourgefang.

"Why am I here anyway?" Asked Scourgefang.

"Welcome to The Dark Forest, Scourgefang.  I expect you have come to take over this forest and bend it to your will?"

"Never!" Scourgefang hissed, and jumped at Bone.

He landed on Bone's back, and sunk his claws into his fur.  His reinforced claws went deeper than he expected, and blood started to flow.  Bone growled and shook Scourgefang around, but he held on tight.  He leapt off of Bone, and raked his claws through Bone's pelt, leaving huge scratches.  Bone hissed, and sat down, his tail twitching in submission.

"Well, you haven't lost your BloodClan instincts." Bone meowed roughly.

"I only use them when needed, and I sure needed them fighting a BloodClan scum like you." Scourgefang meowed, knowing he had no place to talk, but he couldn't help it. 

He wished he had stayed with that kind she cat who had given him chicken when he had run away from his housefolk.  Then he wouldn't be this type of cat.  A killer.  But, if he hadn't, he wouldn't have met Cinderpelt, and had his beautiful kits.

"Take me back to my home.  Take me back to ThunderClan!" Yowled Scourgefang.

"I think I can help you with that." Meowed a pretty voice.

Scourgefang turned around, and saw a spotted calico she-cat standing not far away.  His eyes widened, and realized that this must be Spottedleaf.

"Are you Spottedleaf?" Asked Scourgefang.

"Yes.  I think I can get you back to your clan Scourgefang.  Follow me." The she-cat said in a calm and placid voice.

"Lets go then!" Scourgefang meowed, and followed her.

"Wait!  You didn't think I would let you go so easily did you?" Bone meowed slyly.

"And do you think I didn't come here unprotected?" Spottedleaf meowed and twitched her tail.

Five StarClan warriors walked out of the bushes.

"This isn't the last you'll see of me Scourge." Bone hissed, and walked into the bushes.

"I am going to bring you back to your clan.  Close your eyes, this may be bright." Spottedleaf meowed softly.

Scourgefang closed his eyes, and indeed it was bright.  When he opened his eyes, he found himself in the clearing, with Cinderpelt dozing against the High Rock, with doc leaves at her feet, and the kits curled up against her.  A throbbing pain was shooting down his spine, originating from a spot on the back of his neck.

"Cinderpelt, wake up." Scourgefang meowed softly.

Cinderpelt jolted awake with a look of anguish on her face.

"Have you awoken just to say goodbye?" She asked, tears forming in her eyes.

"No.  I'm here to stay." Scourgefang mewed.

The kits awoke, and scrambled over to Scourgefang.

"Daddy!" Squeaked Ashkit, and rubbed up against him.

"Hello kits." Scourgefang meowed with a purr.

Cinderpelt limped over to Scourgefang, her tail dragging with exhaustion.  He licked the top of her head, and they sat there, enjoying the setting sun. 

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