Vision in the Storm

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This is a picture of Scourge.  Hope you like!

Onyxpaw's P.O.V.

"Keep your tail close to the ground, and your haunches crouched." Birdflight meowed, and put her paw on Onyxpaw's hind quarters.

"Thank you." Onyxpaw meowed.

She wished they would move onto battle training so she could learn how to fight.  She wanted to feel the rush of fighting, but she knew that hunting was mandatory to the clan, so she kept her jaws shut.  She smelled a mouse and started to rush forward, but then remembered that they could feel the vibrations, so she became very quiet, and stepped lightly.  When she got closer, she pounced, and bit down on the mouse's neck with strong jaws.  It's neck snapped, and she brought the mouse to Birdflight.

"Onyxpaw!  You caught your first mouse, and on your first hunt!" Birdflight meowed excitedly.

Onyxpaw pricked her ears up in confusion.  Birdflight never got this excited about anything.

"Thank you Birdflight." Onyxpaw purred, happy, even though Birdflight's behavior was odd, any praise from her was a blessing.

It had been three moons since they were apprenticed, and Leafpaw was now Leafpool, and Spottedkit was now Spottedpaw.  Cinderpelt was happy to have two apprentices now, and Scourgefang was happy that they were all safe.

"Let's see if you can get another mouse." Birdflight said.

"Okay Birdflight." Onyxpaw said.

Onyxpaw scented the air, and picked up the scent of something that made her heart sink.  She didn't know what it was, but she had to find what it was.  She kept walking and the scent grew stronger, and then when she came upon a large oak tree, and saw a large ginger creature, with a white tipped tail.

Oh no, a fox! Onyxpaw thought. 

 It turned around, and looked at her with soulless brown eyes, and then lunged.  Onyxpaw felt something rise up in her, and vines suddenly burst forth from the ground and wrapped around the creatures paws, and stopped it.

"Onyxpaw, what have you caught this time?" Birdflight asked, as she came over to where Onyxpaw was.

"Onyxpaw, answe..." Birdflight stopped dead in her sentence when she saw Onyxpaw crouched on the ground, her fur fluffed out, and a fox in the middle of it all.

"Onyxpaw, run!  I'll hold it off!" Birdflight hissed, her claws coming out of their sheaths, and once again looked like the warrior that she usually looked like.

Onyxpaw ran for her dear life, and when she got to camp, she yowled for help.

"Help, Birdflight is being attacked by a fox!" Yowled Onyxpaw.

"No need." Scourgefang meowed, and stopped time.  

"Father, we need to get going, now!" Onyxpaw meowed urgently.

Scourgefang nodded, and they ran out of camp.  They ran all the way to where the fox was and Scourgefang marveled at the vines that were holding the fox in place.

"Did you do this?" Asked Scourgefang.

"I... I think so." Onyxpaw mewed.

"I knew it!  I knew you were the one!" Scourgefang suddenly outbursted.

"Wha- what?" Asked Onyxpaw.

"You have the powers of the stars in your paws!  Just like me!" Scourgefang meowed.

"Cool!  Now let's get this fox taken care of." Onyxpaw meowed.

They slashed the fox in several places, and then Scourgefang resumed time, and they made it look like they had just made the slashed seconds ago.  Birdflight jumped on the fox from behind, and buried her fangs into it's neck.  The fox screamed in pain, and thrashed about, trying to throw her off, but Birdflight held on.  The vines had started to weaken from all the struggling, so Onyxpaw decided to do something.  She leapt at the foxes throat, and twisted her body so would it be out of the way when the vines broke, and slashed it's throat with her claws.  The fox fell to the ground, dead.

"Onyxpaw!" Birdflight mewed.

"I... I don't know what happened.  I just wanted it dead so you would be safe."

"You killed the fox!  Wow, I'm impressed." Scourgefang meowed, purring with pride.

They walked back to the camp in silence, and retrieved the mouse Onyxpaw had caught earlier, and Onyxpaw thought she heard something rumble in the distance, and looked at the other cats to see if they heard it too.  They didn't seem to hear it, so Onyxpaw dismissed it as something she misheard.  A louder rumble came, and Onyxpaw jumped in fright.  She went to hide behind Scourgefang, and he chuckled.

"Are you scared of the thunder Onyxpaw?" He asked with a purr.

"What's thunder?" Asked Onyxpaw, and then another rumble came, much louder, and Onyxpaw once again jumped.

A bright flash came across the sky, and Onyxpaw then saw something in the clouds.  An older version of herself swiping a paw at the neck of the cat that had hurt her father, and then a star appearing on her forehead, and a group of cats bowing their heads in respect to her.  After the flash ended, she was temporally blinded.

"You shall become the leader of the poisoned clan..." A voice echoed from the clouds, and then a roll of thunder shattered the silence, and rain started to pour.

Onyxpaw stood there, and got drenched by the rain, and faintly heard her father tell her it was time to move on.  Scourgefang then proceeded to tell her what thunder was.  Apparently it was the sound that StarClan made when they were yowling at each other. (It just popped into my head, I know, it's cute.)  She knew that Birdflight and Scourgefang didn't see it or hear the words echo from the clouds.  They made it back to camp, and Scourgefang yowled for everyone to come out of their dens, for Onyxpaw had killed the fox.  Every cat came out and congratulated her, and Onyxpaw thanked them, then ran into the medicine den to tell her mother of what had happened in the clouds.         

Warriors: Scourge and CinderpeltWhere stories live. Discover now