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cacoethes (n.)

/kakəʊˈiːθiːz/ an urge to do something inadvisable.

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"jun..." the student looks up at the librarian, who is watching his computer with a nervous stare.


minghao sighs. "you haven't been returning any of your books."

"oh." jun replies, blushing slightly out of embarrassment. "i'm sorry. i'll get them in as soon as possible..."

the blonde chinese boy smiles shortly, reaching out to give the student's hand a squeeze. "it's fine. you just have a ton of fines, which is a little...ah...concerning." jun nods. he isn't bothered by the action in the slightest.

another week has passed. chan and jisoo refuse to say anything about what's truly going on between them, yet it's painfully obvious. chan had turned eighteen last week.

they had a small party-- requested by chan himself, with only a few close friends, and the addition of jisoo and minghao.

jun, however, had not made any moves of the sort, and his relationship with minghao sadly remained at the same state as before. friends, with a shy sense of affection.

the student decided that he ought to do something soon. minghao was a cute guy; other people were bound to be after him as well. jun would just have to make it to his heart first.

"minghao? i was wondering if you wanted to, umm..." little did the librarian know, jun was mentally slapping himself with each word.

minghao listened with interest, silently praying for jun to say something that would warm his heart.

"umm, so there's this cute coffee place i go to a lot, and i was uh, wondering if you'd like to go get a drink with me sometime?"

the librarian's face was as red as ever. "l-like a date or-?"

"oh, i mean, umm..." jun was now flushed as well. "if you want i-it to be then s-sure--"

"a date sounds uhh, nice-- i mean-- that's cool. um, yeah." minghao responded, words coming out in jumbles.

jun smiled widely. minghao did the same.

"does sunday sound okay?" minghao quickly nods. he was too excited to even progress what was going on.

the student noted that their hands were still clamped together. a book was open and sat in junhui's lap, and with his free hand alongside a content hum, he picked it back up.

"hao, what does this word mean?" the librarian smiles, scooting off his chair to join the student on the couch.

"which one?" jun bites his lip and points to a certain word.

"oh, sensual means— wait. jun!"

the student snickers. minghao is blushing furiously, hands hiding his face.

"what does it mean, minghao?" there's a little smirk playing with the tone in jun's voice.

"s-shut up. you know exactly what it means."

"do i?" jun wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, removing the hands covering the librarian's face. "could you maybe...show me?"

minghao screeches at this, face gone the deepest shade of red. jun laughs. before he can run away, the student presses a casual kiss to the older boy's forehead.

better now than never.

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