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solander (n.)

/səˈlandə/ a protective box made in the form of a book, for holding such items as botanical specimens, maps, papers, etc.

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the day was wednesday, three days after the date between jun and minghao. 

neither of the boys had made too many moves. it was just small affectionate brushes of the hand, tiny laughs and the occasional light grip.

tsk, but that wasn't all that happened. 

after the date, jun had walked minghao home. the latter was getting rather tired, and as much as jun wanted to coo at the sight, he knew that his beloved librarian needed his rest. 

"thank y-you for uh, today." minghao had stuttered out. "i had a lot of fun."

jun thought it was kinda cute how minghao's personality would shift around him. at work and in the company of jisoo, he was tired and snappy, but here with jun, he was shy and a flustered mess.

it made him feel good about himself. cocky, even. 

"yeah, of course. i had fun too! we should really do this more often." minghao nods quickly at this. they were standing at the boy's doorstep, the librarian looking down at his feet with a tinge of pink dusting his face. 

"i'll see you tomorrow?" jun adds with a questioning tone. minghao smiles and hums, finally making eye contact with the student. 

then, quickly and rather slyly, minghao presses a kiss to junhui's temple. 

jun was obviously not expecting this, so he decided to just touch his head as if there was some sort of rash there. 

minghao began sputtering random words, blushing madly and yelling something unintelligent before rushing into his home. 

and looking back at it, minghao felt like an idiot. he probably messed up the date! maybe jun thought he was dumb. or stupid? probably every negative adjective ever?

"gah..." the librarian bangs his head against the computer desk. "i'm an idiot..."

there was also the appearance of a 'soonyoung' which puzzled him. there was another boy with him, the same boy he sat with on rainy days within the library, the exact boy he would recommend books to. 

minghao lifts his head and looks around the rather empty library, sighing. at least he wasn't here now. that wouldn't be very nice.

a certain student comes back to mind, and minghao whines as he protests against himself. hormones really did suck sometimes. 


now there's a distraction! "jisoo..." the chinese boy groans, smacking his forehead.

"hello to you as well, loser." the cat-eyed employee scoffs, whacking the top of minghao's head with a paper-covered book. "oh, do i have things to tell you."

he allows jisoo to force him into a chair anyways, but he doesn't hold back a rude yawn. "fascinating," minghao mutters sarcastically. "tell me more."

"okay, okay, okay, so." and then minghao completely zones out on whatever the hell his american friend begins to babble about, losing himself in a head space. 

"so he gives me this little box, right? and it's full of flowers and candy and oh my god! like, oh my god, hao. get you a man like this."

minghao snorts.

"then, chan kissed me. he fucking--" jisoo transfers over into something incomprehensible. minghao, however, is lost in his own thoughts. what if jun were to kiss him? what would that be like?

aish, but he wouldn't. minghao was just too ugly.

would he be the one to make a move? it wasn' him to do that. because he didn't know how.

minghao gets up after a while, ignoring jisoo as he sorts books into their shelves. he doesn't notice the fellow creeping around the gaps in the novels and making stupid, lovestruck faces. 

as he turns, however, a pair of lips is pressed against his nose. minghao yelps.

jun is peeking through a opening in the shelves, grinning widely. "hey, hao." the librarian, who had fallen over, crosses his arms.

"aish-- don't do that! you scared me so bad!"

"i bet you liked it though!" jun laughs, running around the shelves to help minghao up. the two boys look at each other for a little longer, minghao frowning and jun smirking, before bursting into a fit of giggles.

it was silly things like these moments, that minghao longed to feel forever.

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you guys are so supportive and i love you

i'm gonna make this as good as i can! editing wise


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