Chapter 3

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As Hyungwon enters his room, Hoseok stays in front of it waiting for a few minutes, to check if he wants to change his mind or not. It is weird how the day ended, because when he saw the boy standing in front of him earlier he thought Hyungwon would be one of the weirdest persons he has ever seen. But in reality, he was just lonely and needed help. And that's actually what Hoseok wants to do. Help the boy to find his happiness again.

He lays down on the couch wrapped into his blankets and thinks about what he can do for the boy. Visiting some places together with him or just stay together and watch movies all day? Maybe even take him on a date? Hoseoks mind was full of ideas but he didn't know if he could ever realize one of his plans. Even if he made Hyungwon stay, they still are strangers for each other.

Hyungwon on the other side lays on Hoseoks bed, wide awake and not being able to sleep at all. Thoughts crossing his mind about how he needs to pay the boy pack, finding a new flat and a job so he can afford moving into a new house. How he should tell his parents that his girlfriend broke up with him. They always seemed to prefer the girl over him and expected them to marry anytime soon, but if they hear the bad news it can't end in a nice way. Maybe taking his own life is still the best solution for all his problems.

But if he does choose this way he would hurt Hoseok, who just tried to save him from all this and distract him from the pain he is going through. A boy he barely knows just let's him sleep here, offers him a new friendship, and would probably do a lot more.

Hyungwon still doesn't understand how he deserves so much luck.

As time passes he soon or later finds sleep but it gets broken by one of his nightmares. Always the same dream that has been hunting him for a few days now. Him in an endless black emptiness. Floating around and not being able to do anything. All his bad memories seem to come to his mind at once and as he wakes up everything is much worse than ever before. He lays in Hoseok bed, crying in silence hoping he won't wake the older. He has already enough to do so he should at least sleep enough. That's the least he could do for him.

Quietly he tries to get up and walks in the bathroom across. He washes his red and bloated face and looks in the mirror for a few seconds. A few last tears leave his eyes, but the boy wipes them away in the speed of light. He needs to be strong and forget these bad memories.

Slowly he walks back in Hoseoks room but as he crosses the hallway a familiar voice gets him out if his trance.

"Why are you awake?" Hoseok asks with a worried voice which makes Hyungwon jump.

"Ah don't do that Hoseok, you startled me." He flinches as Hoseok takes on step closer to the boy and adds "I had a nightmare, but It's alright you don't need to worry." He quietly says and continues his way in Hoseoks room but gets stopped before he could enter.

"Did you cry?" He asks again cupping the face of the younger.

"Maybe. I said you don't need to worry."

"But I do. You don't look good and I need to make sure you're alright." Hoseok pouts.

Hyungwon shakes his head and enters Hoseoks room where he falls on his bed again. "I am not sure if I need anything. I just feel so empty and scared."

But before he could say anything more Hoseok carefully wraps his arms around the youngers waist and pulls him in light cuddle. "I will stay with you tonight and make sure you can sleep well."

"T-thank you." Hyungwon mutters under a blush. "Actually.. why where you awake?"

"Me? I often have troubles sleeping and I heard you when you walked in the bathroom."

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