Chapter 14

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The next days, Hyungwon tries not to think about this little incident again, but he can't help it, to always keep these pictures in his mind. Hoseok taking this note, smiling at the girl, and not telling him what it was.

Hoseok has been as sweet as ever, but every time he goes out for work, Hyungwon imagines the worst scenarios to happen. Weird thoughts keep coming to his mind and it scares him more than anything. He doesn't want to mistrust Hoseok and have a wrong picture of him in his mind. But what if all this time Hoseok was just acting? Making him think he loves him? And now pushing him into the cold water, because he finds this young girl much more attractive than himself? A boy who can't do anything right, constantly thinks about everything in a negative way, someone who once tried to kill himself, because he was overwhelmed with his life?

That's definitely not how you imagine your boyfriend.

Shaking like a leaf, Hyungwon gets up from the couch and sits down again next to the heater in the living room. His knees are pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs and his head is placed on top. His look wanders to the table next to the couch, where his laptop is placed. Most of his stuff has been sold to very good prices.

Normally he should be happy about this, tell Hoseok how excited he is to finally have some money, how he will be able to get him on a fancy date, get new furniture and officially move together with him, because he will be able to pay the rent. But he isn't.

He is afraid. Afraid that all these weeks were fake. Afraid that Hoseok just uses him, to have someone to share the rent with, someone he can eventually talk to and someone he can laugh about with others.

Angry about the stupid ideas, Hyungwon slaps his own face and lets out quiet sobs. How could it come so far? How could he let this stupid girl confuse his mind so much, that he starts imagining weird and wrong things about Hoseok? Hoseok the only person that ever showed him true love. The only person that accepted him the way he is. The one who always tries to cheer him up, no matter how bad his mood is.

Sudden footsteps in the hallway get Hyungwon out of his thoughts. He wants to get up and sit down on the couch again, pretending nothing happened, but Hoseok is already in the living room, holding up a little flyer and his eyes on it, while he slightly smiles.

"Look what I found on my way home. This could be interesting for y-you." His smile fades, as soon as he sees Hyungwon sitting on the ground.

He runs over to his boyfriend, still wearing his jacket, scarf, and hat, and kneels next to him. Slowly lifting up the younger boys' head, he looks at him worried, his voice weak. "W-what's wrong Hyungwon?" he carefully asks.

The younger boy just shakes his head, not wanting to answer Hoseoks question, because he knows, if he does tell him the truth, it's going to hurt Hoseok and Hyungwon is a person that can't lie to anyone. So, no matter what he answers, he will always end up hurting Hoseok. "It's nothing Hoseok. Don't worry." Is the only thing Hyungwon manages to say, until his voice breaks.

"Hyungwon stop saying that it's nothing. You cried right? There must be something wrong."

"I am fine." His voice is weak, as he tries not to cry again.

"No, you're not. I see it. Please tell what happened." Hoseok begs.

"I don't even know Hoseok. It's stupid, honestly, you don't need to worry about me." Hyungwon tries to change Hoseoks mind.

"Hyungwon." Hoseok deeply inhales. "Please tell what is wrong. You don't look fine and I see that you were crying not too long ago. Besides this your hands are cold as ice. Hyungwon please tell me what happened."

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