Chapter 21

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Loud knocking gets Hyungwon out of his trance again. Quickly he wipes his tears away and slowly gets up to open the door, where he finds a worried Minhyuk.

"Oh my god Hyungwon what's wrong?" he immediately asks, as he steps into the room.

Hyungwon tries not to look at the older boy as he speaks. "It's nothing, why are you here?"

"I was worried because you didn't come for breakfast. I asked Hoseok, but he didn't answer so I assumed you might've fought. And for what I see I am right?" Minhyuk explains, as he slowly closes the door behind him and follows Hyungwon into the room again. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

The younger boy slowly shakes his head. "I am fine, trust me. Just a little misunderstanding and mistakes from my side. It's nothing, don't worry."

"You don't look fine Hyungwon."

"I know that." Hyungwon hisses.

"Wow no need to get aggressive." Minhyuk says and slowly raises his hands. "I just came, because I am worried about you, but honestly I don't need that attitude of you."

Hyungwon just nods and keeps quiet, while he sits down on the bed again. "I know that too. I'm sorry. It just came over me. I didn't want to sound that mean. Sorry."

"Don't worry. I am not a person to get offended easily."

Again, Hyungwon just nods, grabs a blanket, and wraps it around his body. "So, what do you want now?"

"I want to know why I find Hoseok and you both crying and acting like little kids already before having breakfast. Could you please explain me what happened?" Minhyuk asks with a weak smile on his face.

Hyungwon looks at the older boy with big eyes. "H-Hoseok cried?"

"Yes, he did, I could see it even though he did his best to hide it." Minhyuk explains. "But he didn't want to tell me why."

"The reason is probably that I've accidently accused him of doing inappropriate things with me while I was drunk..." Hyungwon whispers, trying to keep his voice as stable as possible.

"You did what?" Minhyuk asks confused and looks at the younger boy with a disbelieving face. "Did I get it right? You really thought Hoseok touched you while you were drunk?"

"S-stop talking to me like t-that. I know its stupid and wrong." Hyungwon mumbles. "I didn't think right. And I said wrong things to him, which I can't take back now."

Minhyuk blinks once, twice, grabs Hyungwons shoulders and shakes him a little. "This is the most stupid thing I've ever heard from you." He says, rising is voice a little. "In all the years I've know Hoseok he never did anything to anybody without their permission. Even when he was drunk. Hoseok is more than careful with such things and I guess to hear that really, really hurt him." Minhyuk sighs and looks at Hyungwon with a stern look. "But I also know that Hoseok forgives everyone at some point, so please get up from this bed and apologize to Hoseok."

"A-re you sure Minhyuk? Because I am not really." Hyungwon starts again. "Actually, the thing why I started all this is... well its because... I-I woke up with no clothes on."

Minhyuk raises an eyebrow, slightly giggling. "Oh, that's why."

"W-what do you mean?"

"As I said, Hoseok would never do anything without your permission. It just seems like you had a very intense making out session." He says, still grinning.

Hyungwon shakes his head and buried it even deeper in the blanket. "Stop grinning like this, that's embarrassing."

"I'm sorry." Minhyuk giggles. "It's just that you acted completely different last night."

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