Chapter 24

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It's Monday after Hoseoks birthday. Hyungwon and him have been busy cleaning up everything on Sunday, but already prepared some food for the next day since Hoseoks parents and his sister will be coming over to celebrate Hoseoks birthday. Both would've rather stayed at home than going to work, but since they need to earn their living with their jobs they had no other choice than going.

"Have a good time at work." Hoseoks smiles as he sets Hyungwon off in front of the library. "Don't forget to ask if it's possible for you to leave earlier."

"Yeah I won't but I can't promise anything." Hyungwon says back and presses a quick kiss on Hoseoks lips. "See you later, I will miss you."

Hyungwon quickly gets off the car and waves at Hoseok until he has driven away. Quickly he walks into the old bookstore and as always, he's welcomes by the smell of old books and ink.

"Good Morning." He is greeted by Jungeun, the shop owner's granddaughter. He smiles at her and greets her back, before he walks away, to change his clothes.

Work is like always; both busy sorting some books, writing stuff down at the computer and help some costumers find what they're looking for. Nothing special.

But still Hyungwon can't bring himself to calm his nerves.

Today he will be meeting Hoseoks family for the first time. And that was has been making him nervous since yesterday morning when Hoseok announced it to him.

He never liked meeting new people, but it was even worse if it were the parents of his friends or in this case boyfriend. He has no idea how to act in front of them, if Hoseok told him he was his boyfriend or if they just think Hyungwon is just one of Hoseoks friends. He was afraid Hoseoks parents won't like him at all, that he's too shy for their liking, too boring.

Getting off from work 15 minutes earlier, Hyungwon walks outside and patiently waits for Hoseok who arrives a few minutes later to pick him up. Hyungwon slowly gets into the car and greet his boyfriend with a shy smile and gives him a kiss on his lips.

"How was work?" the older boy asks.

"As always. Nothing special happened." Hyungwon responds. "Let's get us home."

Hoseok slightly laughs. "You seem to be in a slight hurry? Is anything going on?"

The younger male quickly shakes his head. "I'm fine... at least I guess. Maybe, maybe I'm a bit nervous to see your parents later, but... but that's stupid isn't it?"

Hoseok smiles and slowly grabs his hand. "It's not stupid love. If I will meet your parents someday I'd be nervous as well."

For a few moments in silent in the car and Hyungwon carefully plays with the older boys' hands before gaining the courage to ask another question. "Do... do they know about us?"

"No, I haven't told them yet. I'm sorry." Hoseok sighs. "It's just that I'm afraid. Like really afraid of what they will think... and I really don't want to lose them. Or want the evening ruined. I hope you understand what I mean."

Hyungwon nods. "Yes, I get what you mean."

"Don't worry too much. They will love you anyways. You're great. Believe me." Hoseok still smiles as he says this. "And if they don't like you, I will make sure you don't need to see them until our wedding okay?"

"W-wedding?" Hyungwon asks confused and quickly cover his blushing face with his hands.

"Why not? I really hope we stay as a couple until that day."

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