Chapter 29

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The way to the hospital was one of the longest Hyungwon had ever witnessed. It felt like he had walked for an eternity until he finally arrived in front of the huge and modern building. Quickly he walks inside and carefully makes his way to the reception.

He is greeted by an elderly man who looks at him with a bored expression as he types something into his computer. "How can I help you?"

"Uh..." Hyungwon starts talking slightly out of breath. "I... I'd like to visit someone. Shin Hoseok is his name and he got here a few hours ago. C-can you tell me his room number?"

"Are you related to him?"

Hyungwon looks at him for a few seconds before he answers with stutters. "W-what? Do I need to be? I mean... I am not, b-but why is it necessary?"

"Then you can't visit him yet. Only close family members are allowed to see him at the moment." He looks at Hyungwon with an expression telling him that the younger boy should leave now.

"B-but why? Are his injuries that bad?"

The older man shakes his head. "I don't know about that. Now please leave and come back in a few days, I think he should be okay by that time."

"I... I really need to see him... please... can't you make an exception?"

"No. Come back later this week I don't want to see your face again today." He repeats himself, this time his words sound sharper and even more annoyed than before.

Hyungwon can feel tears slowly filling his eyes and his hands begin to tremble. He doesn't know what to do, how to feel and most importantly how to survive without knowing about Hoseoks condition. It's driving him crazy and with each second passing he feels the strength fading from his body.

He knows that there is nothing he could've done to prevent this but nevertheless he feels guilty. Guilty for everything. And all he wants is too see the face of his boyfriend and closing him into a tight hug, making sure he is fine.

But he can't.

"A-alright... thank you." He almost whispers in the direction of the old man, who just looks at him with a grim expression. The tall male slowly turns around, making his way out of the hospital.

His mind is full of regret but empty of ideas. How should he get through the night without Hoseoks strong arms cuddling to sleep? How can he stop himself from crying if Hoseok doesn't tell him how much he loves him tonight? Who is going to calm him down if he wakes up from nightmares tonight?

Hyungwon doesn't know. He has no idea and nothing to help him.

"Hey!" a sudden yell gets him out of his trance and he looks around the hospital lobby, trying to identify the source of the noise. "Hyungwon? Is that you?" the rather familiar voice repeats, now sounding closer than before.

He turns around and sees a middle-aged woman walking in his direction with quite some speed, waving at him. Her face seems oddly familiar and after a few seconds, Hyungwons mind clears up. It's Soojin's mother. And therefore, Hoseoks mother as well.

Hyungwon doesn't know how to react and where to go, so he just waits for her to come closer. Does she know about him and Hoseok? Does she know that they live together? What does she think about the drama between him and Soojin? Why is she talking to him?

For a moment he int sure how to react. He surely expects her to yell at him, badmouth him for ruining the relationship with Soojin and maybe even for being Hoseoks boyfriend now.

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