Chapter 2

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"Mommy" I stood outside her door crying as she embraced me in a tight hug "Is he here" I managed to get out soon as I felt her nod no I held her tighter "Come on baby... I'm here just come in" I did as told she took Mariya and layed her in my room "Before we get on why your crying I want to apologize baby for never believing you I honestly don't know why I didn't I guess I just liked the feeling of having a man around but I'm sorry for not being the mother to you I was suppose to be I know it will take a while for you to forgive me that's if you ever do but I'm sorry for how I spoke to you and how i treated you... you never deserved that especially not from me" I just nodded and hugged her honestly that was all I wanted from her "Now calm down and tell me whats wrong" after calming down I told her everything that went on with me except for killing Ken and Rich I mean everything to the reason me being here now "It's go be ok baby girl if wanna believe some whats the word yall use...THOT over you then let him don't let him see you down stay strong" I nodded "Thank you mama" she just hugged me and kept telling me how glad she was that I was there after we got done I went to my old room and layed next to my baby wondering what life had in-store


Breaking out of my thoughts i picked up my phone and called my girls "Hey my loves" I said happily into the phone "Heyyyy girl" they both said. Honestly I missed my girls "I wanna see you guys" I whined they laughed "Ok big baby how about you drive down tomorrow and stay for a while so we can have a little girl time that is if ya man is ok with it" Shanti said I lauhed "Whatever hoochie I'm grown i dont have to answer to anyone especially my man--"

"Is that right" i heard his deep voice say from behind they girls bust out laughing "Hey baby" I giggled "Un un what was that mess you was talking when i came in" i got up and walking into his arms "I said I love you" he laughed taking my phone from my ear "Hey ladies" he said putting it on speaker "HEYYY TEZZZZ" they said together "Can we steal Aalea for like a week or two we miss her and you just been keeping her to yo self" Sasha said "Of course you can i have business down there anyways so we will see you guys tomorrow" "Bye Tezzz" they both said hanging up. Yea I'm with Tez no he didnt cone with me and honestly I haven't talked to him since the night of the party even tho I'm a pediatrician I sometimes work on other people one night I was in the ER and he came in with his hand bleeding and ended up being my patient that night I was surprised to see him and i could tell by his face he felt the same.


Good evening I'm Dr. Jord--- "Lea" I smiled "Tez.....what happened to your hand" I asked "I called myself cutting up vegetables and missed" I chuckled "Alright well let me have nurse bring in my supplies we'll get you cleaned up and stitched if needed" he nodded "Wait Aalea" I stopped and turned to look at him "You look beautiful" I laughed "Stop trying to flirt and worry about your hand but thank you I left his room smiling he only needed five stitches but before he left we exchanged numbers.


We eventually caught up and dated for almost a year before i agreed to being his girlfriend he met the boys and the rest is history we've been together for almost 2 years and needless to say I'm happy.


"So how was your day baby" Lea asked while taking off my tie I aint go lie these past 5 years been cool I found out off the streets what Celsea did to Jeremiah and how they broke up i stopped fucking with her she as wrong for trying to set him up but I don't know why he would leave her I honestly don't know why they broke up Lea never wants to talk about it but that's fine with me my business is expanding and honestly im doing real good. I was happy when I ran into Lea at the hospital onlt God knows how much I missed het and our friendship and I was glad she let me in "Work was good baby but where the boys" I love those two like my own they know im not there father but still call me that i guess because I'm the only male they know besides Mike and Josh who comes to visit "Sit and get comfortable I'll tell you" I gave her a skeptical look but still sat taking off my suit jacket and shoes "Ok so you know how Riya was supposed to be picked up by Mike well instead Jeremiahcameandhetooktheboystoo" she rushed out "Slow down and say that again" she sighed and straddled my lap my hands instantly went to her hips.

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