Chapter 6

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It was nice having our family movie night last night. I really think mommy enjoyed herself and daddy too seeing them talking again is amazing but what really made my night was when I looked away from the movie to ask mom something but dad was kissing her. I never knew a brownskin person could turn red as she did in that moment. My mom is still sleep and dad left to go check on his business and since daddy already made breakfast me and the twins go take mom hers on a tray.

"Good Morning Mommy" the twins said bouncing on the bed while i sat the tray on the nightstand next to the bed getting up and stretching she kissed they forehead "Wheres daddy" she asked looking at me then the tray "He left to check up on some business he made breakfast here" handing her the tray she smiled and told me thank you "Ok well while I'm eating yall go take baths and get dressed we going to see my mom and to the hospital to see if my transfer went through" we all nodded and ran off I'm excited I'm havent seen nana Stacy in a while. After showering I put on my purple floral dress with a jean vest and some white ballerina flats with silver rhinestones. The stylest showed me how to unwrap my hair so I did that coming it all back and putting on a purple headband with a bow on it mama taught me well. Walking out my room I went to see if the twins were ready or if they needed help going in I see only one of them dressed "Jr why you not dressed yet" he smacked his lips "Because I dont wanna dress like Jermaine today he always trynna dress alike" I laughed "Ok and you dont have to dress like him wear something different" "But he said since he older I gotta listen to him" I laughed even harder Jermaine only 2 mins older than Jr but in his eyes he the big brother "Jermaine what mama tell you about that stop trying to control him....get dressed Jr" he nodded and I walked out.

Going outside my mom stopped when she seen a new car with a bow on it she quickly pulled out her phone and made a call "Jeremiah what s a brand new red Mercedes Benz CLA class doing in the driveway......What you mean it's mines....SEROUSLY....OH MY GOODNESS THANK YOU YOUR THE ABSOLUTE BEST...OK by I love you too" when I heard that joy radiated inside me she actually told him she love him. She went in and put the keys to the truck back came out and took the bow off the car "Alright let's test drive this baby" we all hopped in and was gone with the wind moments later.


This man brought me a car sweet baby Jesus. Any who today I'm going to check up on my mom I haven't seen her in a while and haven't spoke to her in almost the same amount of time and as for this job transfer I'm a little worried I put in for it the day after I got here and still haven't heard anything back. Even though I only had the car for about 15 minutes I love it already wait til my sisters see this one.

Pulling up to my mom's I pulled up behind her car and we got out I noticed a black car infront of the house I wonder if she got company. Since I have a key I unlocked the door and walked right in "Mommy we here" I hollered locking the door back she came out the kitchen with a woman right behind her looking closer I realize who it is "You not go come give your aunt some love girl come here I ain't seen you in so long" slowly walking over I gave her a small hug "Hey aunt Karen" and bagged away see Karen is Kennedy mom and I haven't seen her since me and Ken fell out the first time. Walking over to my mom I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek but she basically pushed me away to get to my kids "Hey granny babies" the whole time my mom interacted with the kids Karen stared at me.

Now we all sitting in the living room and this bitch still staring so me being me I spoke on it "What's up Karen" she looked at me confused "What you mean" so I just smiled "Not to be rude or nothing but you been staring since I got here so I wanna know is there something on your mind or something" she crossed her legs "I was just admiring how much you changed....I bet Ken would love to see you" hold up pause did this bitch say Ken so instead of showing any type of emotion I kept my face neutral "Oh that's cool how she doing" "She's great her and her son" "I thought she was having a girl" "She told me she gave her up for adoption" I smiled "Mind giving me her address I would love to stop by" her dumb ass fell right into my plan and gave it to me "....but anyways mom I didn't come to stay long we gotta get going I gotta stop by the hospital so I'll call you" time to weed out some mutha-fucking snakes I can't believe somebody saved this bitch. The kids hugged and kissed my mom and so did I before I left Karen spoke up "Have a nice day Aalea" I just nodded my head time for a crew meeting.

Pulling back up to the house I called up everybody even AK and Guy. Josh Mike SASH and Shan was there in no time Jer came seconds after them along with AK and Guy since I didn't give detail over the phone I took them to Jer office while the kids go play. I stood up and started to speak "I called this emergency meeting because we got a snake" AK looked at me "Fuck you mean we got a snake" I cleared my throat "What I mean is Kennedy is alive and we'll with a somebody on the clean up crew helped her" Shanti spoke up "How you know this sis...I mean we gotta know the source cause whoever could be lying" I shook my head "I went to mom's and Kennedy mama was there....she told me" everybody was quiet til Josh broke it "You sho is mean even though I ain't really spoke to my mom's since the shit Ken pulled she could be lying to get a rise outta you or something she just as vindictive as Ken" I sighed "Bruh I'm 100 percent positive we was having a lil discussion and she was like Ken would love to see me so instead of showing emotion or making myself look obvious I started to ask questions she told me Ken was well and that she told yo mom she gave her daughter up....ya mama even gave me the adress" everybody groaned "So what y'all wanna do" Jer asked pulling me into his lap "First we clean out the clean up crew" AK spoke flexing his jaw I know he mad cause these nights still work for him. After discussing what we were going to do everybody left and me and Jer sat on the couch talking.


"You ok babe" I asked looking at Lea play with her curls she shrugged "I'm ok I'm just worried about our kids Jer it's not only Riya anymore we have the twins now and I just don't want nothing happening to any of them" I pulled her closer she layed her head on my shoulder "Don't worry baby nothing is going to happen not as long as I'm around I promise to protect all y'all with my life...I would die before I let somebody hurt yall again" and I meant it if anybody tries to harm a hair on they head it over for them yea I'm completely done with the game but when you a threat to my family its my job to protect them by any means necessary.

All the boys got the address from Lea and decided to do some research if we go do this we gotta make sho it's her. Putting on my all black fit I grabbed my keys to this black marauder I got a while back picking up Mike and Josh we were on our way. Since its still morning we just go drive by or either park away but still be able to see the house fuck that we need for real visual "Mike get Charlie on the phone tell him we need a delivery" we met Charlie before we got out he a pretty cool cat he a white boy we used to use him to get us in people house yall know everybody trust white people (No Offense to my Caucasian readers).

After we parked the car in the lil parking lot across the street we waited. 15 minutes later a delivery van was pulling up and Charlie hopped out with flowers see what I mean quick on his feet...he went to the door and knocked he waited for maybe like 5 minutes and the door opened and true indeed it was her at the door....."FUCK" Josh yelled I pulled off and headed to the crib "We gotta find out which goof helped her" Mike said I nodded "We will and Josh but stop worrying everything go be cool" I already know he worried about her finding or seeing Harm but I ain't letting it happen I'll put a full clip in that bitch before I let her get to us.





Damn son Ken alive....

Lea worried about the kids...

What should they do???

Should Josh be worried.....

Who helped her tho...

She got a son...

Sorry if it's short...




Tell me what you think???

Love JayyBev ✌✌✌

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